Wednesday, October 2, 2019


With all the crazy stuff going on in our world today, it's so easy to get frustrated and discouraged with the moral decline we are facing. We like to pass it off like it's just the way things are but the Truth's very sad.  

My heart aches for those who are lost in life. Searching for real meaning and hope, and desperately trying to make sense of it all as they dig themselves deeper into a pit of darkness. My heart breaks for fellow "Christians" who are trying to make sin somehow okay with God and the more they try to celebrate the sins of others they themselves become lost from the Truth.

Things going on in the world are scary. Terrible things are happening all around us and there is a fear that one day we will face the same thing as other parts of the world. People around us have lost sincerity and that makes us unsure who we are dealing with whether we've known them a day or known them for years.

So my point to all this sad is that... There is still HOPE.
Hope that people can always stand up for what is right.
Hope that all "Christians" will make it a priority to really get to know God's heart and stop playing with fire and actually start giving people the message of the cross that we can be "FREE" from sin.
Hope that all people will realize that we are all NOTHING without God. We need Him.
Hope that our Nation can get back on it's feet and be the Strong Nation it once was, built on an unshakeable foundation.
Hope that all things can turn around.

There is only so much one person can do in this world to enforce change: Being the best "You" you can be. It's not a cheesy statement. None of us have arrived at being the best us we can be. It's time to get on it! I have decided that if I am going to influence any kind of change in this world then I have to start right here within my circle of influence. I might not be able to reach to the White House, but I can help make better people around me, which will make better people around them,'s the ripple effect and it starts with me.

So I need to make sure that I am standing up for what is right...what is moral...what I truly believe in. I'm not here to be someone's biggest cheerleader because I want to be popular, but I'm here to be a solid example of God's Truth in my life. And that requires me holding tight to God's hand as I seek Him in Truth and as I speak for and live out that Truth in the face of many lies hidden within the culture we live in. 

We can make a difference because we serve a Big God who WANTS to use us to advance His Kingdom. Even though all kinds of crazy is happening in our world, the fact still remains that God is Here and He has already defeated the darkness! But so many people are not walking in that victory, but still roaming around bound by sin. So instead of trying to be careful not to make anyone uncomfortable by noticing their chains, why don't we start giving them the Truth that they CAN be FREE from those chains?

We have an AMAZING and POWERFUL message to give this world. This message has the power to Change their life, it's the message of the cross where Jesus ALREADY defeated everything they are facing, that He did not make a mistake when He created them, but He has a purpose and a plan just for them, they just have to accept it and walk in it! Why are we so afraid? What is the absolute worst thing that can happen from someone hearing the Truth about Jesus?  Hearing the Truth about their sin?
1. They won't like it and decide they don't want anything to do with God?...that's kinda where they're at already so...telling them really can't hurt 
2. Sin leads to death. Why wouldn't you want to tell them that they can be free?

There is a really big difference between Speaking the Truth and Speaking the Truth in Love...but there is still one very common denominator in both and that is Speaking.

I will strive to do better, will you?

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