Wednesday, October 2, 2019

When God's Heart Breaks...

What a sad few days it's been in our country. Tragedy has ripped through so many lives, altering lives forever. Tragedy's have struck close to home because of lives being lost through car accidents, suicides, abortions, illness...lives are being taken in the split second of a simple moment... here...then gone.

Grieving loved ones full of questions, fear, pain, anger... feeling lost among the rubble of confusion. Desperately seeking hope in the midst of the deepest dark.

People... all people... victims, murderers, loved ones, the hurting, the sad, the confused, the angry, the innocent...all are broken.

We often find ourselves in times like these asking God with sadness, deep pain, or anger "Why? Why? Why?"

We know that God loves us but how can He allow such senseless tragedy? Such hateful acts to invade our lives and rip apart our world?

It's because He loves us so much that He gave us "free will". The freedom to be, do, and act however we choose. Unfortunately with this great gift, it also allows people to choose evil. And Evil is not fair. Evil is out to destroy always. The consequences of Evil affect us all whether we participated in it or not. Innocence gets caught in the crossfire because Evil simply doesn't care and God promises EVERYONE a free will.

But dear broken child...      HIS HEART BREAKS more than you can ever imagine. He has done everything to give us a way out of the darkness. He has told us how to walk in freedom. He has shown us ALL how much He loves us over and over again. He wants His ENTIRE CREATION to love Him back and choose life. But... He has to watch...

 the people that He loves, that He died for, and desperately wants a relationship with... who choose to walk in Evil, to walk in hate, to do everything they can to destroy the lives of others. And NOTHING that you do in hate or in evil here on this earth, will even compare to what you will experience in Eternity without God.  And HIS HEART BREAKS FOR YOU... because this is completely YOUR CHOICE.
                            He must watch...     

the people that He loves, that He died for, and desperately wants a relationship with... who choose not to go out and harm the world. who don't act out in violence or evil towards others, but choose to live in sin. He watches those He came to set free from the bondage of sin, the very thing Jesus died for on the cross so that nothing can stand in the way of our relationship with Him and our Eternity in Heaven... continue to CHOOSE sin over freedom. There is no worse sin than the other. There are no minor sins in the sight of God. Sin is sin and...IT'S ALL BAD. It all SEPARATES us from God. Sin is the very thing that will most definitely keep us away from God. Sin is deadly because it kills the soul. He has given us all the freedom and grace to overcome sin and walk in holiness. He watches AND HIS HEART BREAKS FOR YOU...because this is completely YOUR CHOICE.

He watches as all the innocent people that He loves, that He died for, and desperately wants a relationship with... who find themselves sideswiped into a whirlwind of pain and confusion, not knowing or understanding why their world is suddenly falling apart. He weeps for you because He understands your pain. He feels it too, only so much more intensely because it's not supposed to be this way, but He has to allow it because He allows each one of us in this world, all of His choose who they will serve. HIS HEART BREAKS FOR YOU, because He loves you and He doesn't want any of                                                                                     us to hurt but He must allow it.

So what do we do amidst all this hurt? How do we make this world better?

We start with US.  There is Truth or there are Lies. There is Light or there is Darkness. There IS NO IN BETWEEN... We MUST CHOOSE each and EVERY day who we will serve. That means every day you only get 2 decisions: Obey God and Trust Him OR Disobey God and Trust yourself.  Plain and simple.  If we realize that those are our choices... we might start living differently. People might start seeing the Gospel for what it really is and want to live it too. See if we choose to be obedient instead of disobedient to God everyday, then we have to actually apply the Gospel to our lives instead of just quoting the parts we know. AND then maybe... people who live in darkness, will actually see the Light, can find hope in the Truth they are receiving by watching our actions and really know what it's like to be LOVED by God because His people are giving them the real thing. 

When we start caring more about what breaks God's heart than what offends someone we know... we begin to really "see" them through God's eyes. We begin to "understand" just how much He loves them and cares for them and does not want them to spend an eternity apart from Him forever... and we begin to "act" on that knowledge, and we start treating people the way God wants us to treat them. We begin to really understand what the meaning of "Love your neighbor as yourself" is really like. Because we have turned our complete focus of our day, our decisions, and our life into serving Jesus and really making Him Lord of our lives through CHOOSING to be obedient to Him. By US changing the way we view ourselves as the PRECIOUS Creation of our God... we can begin to make a life altering difference to the people all around us.

There is HOPE. God is love. God loves ALL people. It doesn't matter what you have done, murderer, liar, cheater, adulterer, homosexual, hypocrite, thief, unloving, prideful, gossip, ect... He is waiting for you to lay it down at His feet and leave it there... He WILL give you freedom, BUT we must ALL CHOOSE HIM. Because... He will allow us not to, and unfortunately for that, the fault lies with us.  If you want to make this world a better place... then You have to not just "know about" or "simply believe" in have to live Him. You have to CHOOSE daily whether you will serve Him or not. Our lives can be over in one simple breath. You are NOT GUARANTEED A TOMORROW.  "Choose THIS day who you will serve"   it may be your last before you find yourself in Eternity.

God's Heart Breaks when the people He loves and created... choose to not love Him back completely.  I know I need to work on this...I hope you will join me and together we can make this world a better place.

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