Thursday, October 10, 2019

Throwback Post December 2016: Just Stay Strong...

I had a good conversation with God today... well I guess it was more like I just crawled up in His lap and just let everything I know about Who He is and what He promises just resonate in my heart for a while. Very little was actually said, but the conversation was deep nonetheless. That's one thing I love about the Holy Spirit... definitely a "Comforter". Sometimes life can be so overwhelming and unfair. God allows life to happen to us and in the really trying times we have to fight against the urge to get mad and question why.

       Yes it is natural to get mad and question why BUT... that's our flesh isn't it? It's in moments like this and a lot of past moments like this one that I have realized that it's about my Faith not my flesh. My Spirit being stronger than my flesh. Realizing and remembering that God is Sovereign, that He Is Who He says He Is, and everything that THAT means will always equal HOPE. His Strength is made perfect in our Weakness. We CAN do ALL things through Christ. He is Faithful. He will Never Leave us or Forsake us. God's plan is bigger. He knows more than we do. My FAITH, your Faith depend on these things.

I've said it before but Faith is not a moment, it's a lifestyle. We don't just "wake up" one day and boom...we all of a sudden have Faith. Faith is a process, we often hear about one's "journey of Faith" and that's exactly what it is. It doesn't mean that we can't instantly "believe" something...that's belief isn't it? Belief and Faith are not the same thing. They might require each other but they are really 2 separate things and both are essential to the life of a Child of God. The process of Faith inevitably starts out with a Belief in something, and then Trust comes in to play, and then Faith is achieved. I mean let's break it down right? You can't really have faith in something you don't believe in, you're not going to believe in something that you don't trust, and you are definitely not going to be confident and unwavering in something you neither fully believe in or trust.

For me, this is where the rubber meets the road. When it comes to my personal faith journey, it begins with these simple yet life changing questions, "do I really believe God is who He says He is? do I really believe that He will actually do what He tells me in His Word? do I really believe that His Word is the complete Truth?"

If my answer is yes, (which it is) then this changes everything about me, not just at the moment I believe in Him and accept what He did for me on the cross, but it continues to change me everyday for the rest of my life. why? Because Faith isn't simply about believing.. it's about knowing and deciding what I really believe is Truth (not what I's what I know) then trusting that truth with everything in me (this takes work folks for all of us) and then LIVING (this is an action word...lots of action words actually) out these truths daily in my walk with Christ. Faith, the process, doesn't just happen once... it's a lifetime thing because we will face it daily no matter what, not just in the trials but in the daily decisions we make in how we choose to live.

 It's learning to live the process daily that makes us move the mountains later. We have to be faithful (hello...longer version of the word...kinda helps make my point right ;) ) in the little things... we need to continually be practicing our faith, because when the big storms hit... we are ready. we are steady. and we become unmovable. unshakable. solid.  

This was a sweet reminder today of my faith journey. As I sat in my Father's lap, I wasn't throwing out questions of why? I wasn't in panic mode. I wasn't confused. My heart ached and the burden felt heavy... but I was still. I was quiet. I let the tears fall before my God already knowing that He understood. I allowed Him to comfort me like only He can. And I allowed His peace to flood my soul and take the heaviness of the burden from me because I KNOW Who He Is. Because I Believe He is Who He says He Is, and I Trust Him with all of my heart.

My Faith in God is my most prized possession... because it was not obtained in just one single moment of my life... but over and over and over again daily as He has and continues to prove to me that He Is exactly Who He claims to be. This has and continues to change me daily because everything that I am...every decision that I make...every action that bears witness to my being...reflects my Belief that I have accepted God (and everything that means and requires of me (not always easy, lots of repentance on my part more often than I'm proud of)) not only as my Savior in times of trouble, but as the Lord of my whole life. This is my faith journey, and it's days like this, when I can take my weak human self, and crawl up in my Father's lap and know for certain, that everything, no matter what, is going to be alright.

much love my sweet blog friends, I pray that each of you surrender your hearts to really Know Him on your faith journey, that you be found faithful, and strong. we can do this! :)

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...