Thursday, October 3, 2019

Throwback Post March 2017: I NEED THAT MINUTE!

A lesson that I have to keep learning and reminding myself to do daily. I have REALLY simplified my life this year so far and I have way more "free time" so to speak. My priorities are narrower and more focused, my time given in ministry is more intentional in being a part of things that are solid and Biblically grounded on Truth, linking arms with people who are serious about living for Jesus and not just jumping in on activity and busy work. I am more focused on working on ways to better love my family and spend time cherishing those relationships. Things have simplified a lot in my life...and yet....

Sometimes I still forget to Just Breathe....

I still find things to fill up my days. I have a business and I am a crafter, so there's ALWAYS a project laying around somewhere for me to get done. My husband and I are fixing up our home and some of those home projects seem to take FOREVER... and then there's just life... which is always full of unexpected adventures and curve balls and a lot of "crazy" at times. And often I find myself feeling a little overwhelmed with just ... everything. You've been there too right? I'm pretty sure we all have.

Which is why God tells us... NOT TO WORRY

I have been reminded of this so many times and unfortunately this is not an area that I have mastered...yet. But it is an area that I am trying to grow in because it is something that God tells us not to do. Which means that this "not worrying" is crucial to our faith. Mustard Seeds and Moving Mountains are a big deal, because both of those are contingent upon a heart condition that Trusts and Believes and Relies on God no matter what. An unshakeable foundation. And that is what I am striving for. 

But I believe that there is a key element in achieving this victory: it's only through His grace at work in my life that I will have the strength to always look to Him FIRST instead of my own capabilities to take care of me. And the only way to continually walk in that grace that enables me to be who He has called me to to daily take ahold of His hand and walk this road called life. I have to intentionally devote my time to my relationship with my God. The beautiful thing that we realize as we get older (even though sometimes we forget...) all 24 hours of the day actually belong to me... I am in control of how those hours, minutes, and seconds get spent. It may feel at times that everybody else controls our time and we have responsibilities of course, but nothing and no one controls our time without our consent. Which puts the responsibility of our time spent with God...completely on our shoulders. 

I cannot afford to cut God out of my day. Truth is, when I affects everyone around me, because I am a better person because of Him. I'm not talking about putting God on a schedule, I'm not talking about reading 20 chapters of the Bible before breakfast either...but I am talking about making sure that He takes center point in my day. I am CONSTANTLY talking with Him AND listening to Him throughout my day, which I believe without a shadow of a doubt, is what keeps me grounded and solid and at peace because I know Him well. BUT I NEED to know His Word, I NEED to be intentional in making Him important and hungering after Him daily. I NEED to learn how to better...STOP and JUST BREATHE. Be still and just let Him be God in EVERY situation in my life. 

I love my journey with God...even the parts that I have not conquered because how wonderful it is, to be loved by a God, that is intentional in leading me into victory and not defeat! I WILL strive to TRUST HIM and REST IN HIM more so that worry... eventually won't cross my mind. What a goal right?  … ah but God says "Do not worry..."  and I know that "I can do ALL things, through Christ who strengthens me." The Grace of God...what a beautiful gift it is! 

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...