So I heard a sermon on tv the other day that stated... "there are no cookie cutter Christians", and I thought about it for a while and decided that... I somewhat disagree! ;)
Now first off, I'm going to change it from cookie cutter Christians to cupcake Christians because ... well, I like cupcakes way more that's why.
I totally believe that God did not make a bunch of mindless drones when He made us. He gives us different physical features and a free will which totally makes us individuals. He places us in different parts of the planet with different cultures and languages and that makes us different.
BUT... when it comes to REAL CHRISTIANITY... we should really all be made up of the same stuff! Everything that we are, our foundation, our recipe so to speak, should be everything God calls His children to be. We really should not be diverse in this part, we might be in different stages of the baking process but that doesn't change the ingredients in the mix! God doesn't throw a little bit of flour in this one and little bit of sugar in that one... if HE is the cook of our Christianity, (as He should be), then the whole batch of us will be made the same.

So it makes me wonder, what do we really mean when we say, "there are no cookie cutter Christians"? Part of me thinks that it's more about maybe making an excuse for when we mess up in our walks with God? We might push the whole excuse that "no one is perfect therefore don't look at me when I mess up too!" or "We all have gone through different life situations so unless you've walked in my shoes, don't tell me how to be a Christian", or maybe we use it as an excuse to not really examine what we are made of and just accept that we are perfectly fine in where we stand in our Christianity.
I know that those statements seem kind of harsh and very blunt and frankly... they are. BUT> It is the TRUTH isn't it? The truth really is that, it frankly doesn't matter what has happened to us in our lives...God is still the same and still requires the same things out of His children. It doesn't matter that no one is perfect but Jesus, God still requires us to strive to live righteous and holy lives regardless of how anyone else chooses to live. And it doesn't matter whether or not we are content with the way we live for God, it only matters if He is content in the way we live, is it not? I guess I just see a real danger in possibly making this statement a foundation of our belief system. It really does matter what we are made of and according to God's Word, we are to be MADE of the same foundation. Just something to think about. :)
Even though we all have the same foundation in Christ, full of all the good stuff we get to be made of, He does make each one of us glorify Him with the unique traits and abilities He has given us! So BRING ON THE FROSTING! It is AMAZING to me how many awesome things God gives us to make us each different in the Body of Christ! I am constantly blown away by the people I get to know or simply rub shoulders with on occasion that have such unique and beautiful attributes to share with the world around them.
So don't let anyone else start mixing your batch, you don't want to be made up of anything else but what God is putting in the mix! It's really easy to do, sometimes we think something looks like it will make it taste better but once it's done, we regret it. Stick to the things that make you a child of God. We can all have great frosting and decoration on top of a nasty tasting cupcake, it may look good to the world, but the world's not going to eat it, and I'm pretty sure God isn't going to want to eat it either. (also in scripture!) So trust in the God who loves you most, that what HE has for your ingredients will make you better than you could ever make yourself! Open up your Bible, sit at His feet and ask Him what those ingredients are and make sure that you start putting them in your foundation and whatever you find in your mix that someone else put in there, get it out!
So listen up CUPCAKE! You and I ARE from the EXACT SAME MOLD! We are the Bride and the Body of Christ Together. We all have different toppings but we're all from the same Batch! Live it up Cupcake, cuz' life is GOOD! ;)
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