Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Throwback Post July 2015: Where Are Your Tears?

Have you cried lately? Have you taken a really good look at the world around you today?  Do you feel God's heartbeat for the people you brush shoulders with the supermarket...on the school...your neighbors....your family...your friends?  Do you know what grieves the heart of your God?  Do you see the pain that is being caused by sin in the your your church?

Have you stopped to wonder lately..."how does God feel about the state of this life?"   Do you consider His words in the Bible and apply them to your life daily? Do you know what His words even are?  Have you fell to your knees recently and humbled yourself before the King of the Universe?   Have you stopped to consider recently whether or not your actions, your attitudes, your priorities...have in some way grieved the heart of God?

Have you found yourself during the last worship service you attended, worrying more about connecting with God on a whole new level or more about the people in the congregation who might be noticing you?  When is the last time the preaching of the Word of God has convicted your heart and brought you to your knees before your God? 

When's the last time you forgave someone who wronged you because you care more about pleasing God and your witness than your hurt feelings?  When's the last time you wrapped your arms around an "unlovely" person and told them that God loves them? 
When's the last time you stopped a conversation that started tearing someone else apart? When's the last time you stood up for what you know is right, not quietly in a corner but boldly in the face of opposition? When is the last time you told a friend that their sin will lead them down a path to Hell? When's the last time you looked at the sin in your own life that's leading you in that direction as well?

Do you know how much God really loves you? Can you comprehend what He goes through every time He watches you go your own way?  Do you know how many tears He cries as He watches the people He created as they turn from the Truth and embrace a life of sin?  Do you know how many tears He cries when He watches the people He created, cut Him out of all things and elevate evil instead...pray to evil instead....pledge their respect to evil instead?  Do you know how many tears He cries when we as His children...just don't get it?

Have you cried lately?

Pray for America...pray for your family...pray for your friends...pray for yourself....pray.

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and TURN from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

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