Friday, January 10, 2025

My Mustard Seed


You know sweet friends, I've always thought the mustard seed passage was mostly about these huge acts of faith, focusing on "moving the mountains" and the point was that even if we had a little faith, we had what we needed to see God move in a mighty way so we needed to grow our faith and walk in big ways with God because the more we grow in our relationship with Him, the more we will see Him move in our lives. I'm not wrong.... but God has been teaching me the other side of having mustard seed faith.

The side where.... when everything is closing in around you and you do not feel like you have the strength to press on... but you still know that He is there.... He can still move the mountains. 

Life has been pretty hard lately and though my faith has not been shaken, I know who God is and I don't doubt Him one bit. He's proven Himself faithful to me too many times to ever question His presence in my life. BUT.... I have been so tired. (know what I mean?) I don't have the same energy when I get up in the morning to sit at His feet, I still do it, but my prayers sound different than they normally do, my focus is on things that I'm not normally distracted by, I'm a worship leader (not a title, it's who I am).... and I've had a hard time finding my song this year... does that make sense? (I listen to worship music all the time and worship, but I don't sit with my guitar or play my keyboard like I used to all the time...I just can't do it...) But, even in this season of a heavy heart... my faith is my foundation and even at my weakest points, that mustard seed is enough.

Because God responds to the quiet tears when I have nothing to say. Or the weeping that comes when everything feels like it's falling apart and everything hurts inside. Or the times I just sit in silence and shake my head because I have no idea what to do. He responds to all those things because even though I have absolutely no control over things that are happening, I TRUST that HE is still in control and I can still do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.  - Mustard Seed.

I'm not doing anything amazing for the Kingdom, but I am watching God move mountain after mountain in my life this past year... all because I know that He can and I trust Him to work in my life. His presence in my life has been so evident, I could list so many things. Do you know that even though life is pretty hard right now, I feel so loved by God. How amazing is that sweet friends? My heart aches for people who don't have a relationship with God, even more so for those who claim to but never get to this point of really experiencing a real relationship with Him. He is so very real and so very personal with each of us. He loves us and is fiercely protective of us. He is sweet friends, sometimes we may not feel that way because He allows bad things to happen to us in this life... but if we could just open our eyes and see Him working for us in the midst of those bad things... we'd understand that He does care and He is very present in our lives. ....maybe you need to activate your mustard seed right now and look up?

I'm looking at some pretty big mountains in front of me right now, and I have no idea how or when they are gonna move.... but I know they will. In the meantime, I'm going to focus on all the blessings I can see in the midst of this dark season. Faith IS a journey. An incredibly personal journey with my God and I regret nothing that I've had to go through and nothing that I will go through, because of what I KNOW is waiting for me on the other side. I can trust that. Because I trust Him. 

Love you sweet friends, praying for your faith journey today. I hope God has encouraged your heart to press on towards the goal. We can make it! -d

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