Saturday, February 6, 2021

Establish My Heart


       So this year I didn't have any new year's resolutions. I have nothing against setting personal goals, I think it's a great idea! But this past year, 2020, has really opened my eyes to a lot of things, yes it was a different and at times difficult but there was a lot of good that came out of that year as well. The one singular observation that constantly rose above all others, was the state of the heart of man.            Wow, so many things happened that really brought people's hearts to the surface. It was amazing watching neighbors taking care of neighbors when the pandemic hit. It was a beautiful thing to watch the young people grocery shopping for the elderly so they wouldn't have to go out in public. It was amazing watching small businesses acclimate to the restrictions and yet find creative ways to still accommodate the community. And even greater watching the community rally around the small businesses and keep them afloat during this horrific time for businesses. 

     Churches were actually putting feet to their faith and began reaching out past their walls into their communities and sharing the love of Jesus through actually feeding the hungry and helping the needy. Watching Believers in Jesus out in the streets having worship and baptisms and sharing the message of Jesus in the midst of chaotic and fearful times in our country and world. When many were being told they couldn't gather by those who wished to see churches shut down and God's people silenced, they stood up anyway and boldly walked out their commitment to Jesus and remained obedient to who God calls us to be, especially in the midst of darkness. God's Children were busy shining a light.

     On the other side of the spectrum, I saw the ugliness of hearts surface. I saw people who can't tolerate anyone else's way of thinking, destroying people's businesses, towns, livelihoods. I watched as people would physically attack those who thought differently than them. Hate spewed out of the mouths of children who have been taught that everyone is out to get them. I've watched people lie and use other people to push an agenda meant to destroy all that is good. I have listened to dangerous rhetoric repeated over and over again until people simply believe it because they've heard it so much. The list goes on really. The condition of man's heart has been on full display both good and bad this past year. ... And I'm sure 2021 will be much of the same.

     So no resolutions this year but I ran across this verse one day and I decided that THIS will be my focus this year: 

"For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it;

You do not delight in burnt offering.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, 

A broken and a contrite heart - 

these, O God, You will not despise."

Psalm 51:16-17

     Staying humble isn't easy is it sweet friends? But it is necessary to living a life that truly pleases God and a life that is full of peace. And we need BOTH of those things today don't we? The world will be how the world will be. God warned us about the direction it was going and He's told us to stand strong and hold to our faith. The only thing we CAN control in this life is our relationship with Jesus. 

     I believe that now more than ever, we need to be extra diligent in loving our Savior. We are being tested now and will continue to be tested in the days ahead. Our commitment to serving Jesus with our lives, our knowledge of what God really says versus what we "think" He says, and our ability to stand up to the Enemy of Christ without cowering or backing down will all be determined in the days ahead.

    We must really know Him sweet friends. The only way to navigate the way ahead, the way that leads to Eternal Life, the way that separates us from the rest of the world... is to really know Him. What we "think" we know, is not enough! We must seek His heart, we must study His Word, and we must be willing to change the things in our minds and lives that do not align with what He tells us to do. It won't be easy, but it is so worth it! Know Him well sweet friends, Know Him Well. oh, and Happy New Year! 

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

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