Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Turning back to Egypt

     Lately I've been reading about Moses and the Israelites. It never ceases to amaze me how even though the Israelites came out of captivity and experienced freedom, when life seemed overwhelming on their journey, they wanted to RUN BACK TO THEIR CAPTORS!

     And we can be just like that can't we? We, who have lived under the captivity of the sin in our lives, even though we have laid it down at His feet and repented, and Jesus has washed us clean... we manage to turn back to the very thing that held us in slavery, and run towards it.

     We are NOT supposed to be like that sweet friends! The Israelites  were not supposed to be like that either! Do you know that the trip to the Promised Land should've only taken them 11 days???? Yet it took them 40 YEARS wandering in the desert to get there! Why? Because God does not like our disobedience.

    It's kind of a tough pill to swallow isn't it? I think it's also something that we forget, that God does allow us to go back, to run back to our sin. He allows us to choose freedom or slavery. And... He allows us to face the consequences of our decisions. The Truth is sweet friends, God does not want us to turn back to our sin. He wants us to realize our sin is painful and He wants us to want to be free from it. God has so many wonderful things for us to learn and experience with Him and He wants us to walk away from ANYTHING that would hinder our relationship with Him.

    That's what sin does, it separates us from God. How often do we shrug off our sin like it's really no big deal? Oh it is a huge deal sweet friends! Sin leads us to death! An eternity spent apart from Jesus! That's serious! God is so merciful to us and we need to humble our hearts and thank Him for His mercy towards us when we treat Him so carelessly with our lives. And we need to intentionally walk in His grace daily, turning our hearts away from the things that break His. Striving to love Him with everything that we are.

                                                  Your sin will always call you back...
                                    but Jesus is calling you to walk forward in freedom.
                           And the choice is completely up to you sweet friends! love you -d

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...