Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quick Devotional Thoughts: Psalm 27:1

I think it's probably safe to say that at some point in the last few months, we have all experienced a little fear in the days we are facing right now.. some maybe a lot of fear. I have watched the world around me and noticed all different levels of fear that are very present in the midst of the unknown. BUT... I have also witnessed incredible bravery and courage and hope in the midst of all this darkness. Amazing. As a Believer I am so thankful that I have a HOPE and a SECURITY that no matter what happens in this world or to me... God is in charge and I get to REST in that fact that I am NOT in control. Sometimes we like to fight for control don't we? I've been there. But really, isn't it amazing that WE don't HAVE to be in control of this and we don't have to fix it... we just have to do OUR part and Trust God. I love that! I pray for those in our government that have to make the decisions of what is best for our country...  I would not want their jobs! I pray that they are seeking God in their decisions and that God would give them peace and us peace as we move forward into the unknown. My heart breaks as I see those who do not trust in Jesus, I see the panic and fear and anger and my heart hurts for them. It must be so terrifying to live in such fear. This verse is a beautiful reminder for times like these. It's also a good reminder in the day and age we are living in as well. Ya know, it's so interesting reading throughout many MANY places in the Bible, about how rampant demons were among the people. It's crazy to me how many times it talks about Jesus going into a city or a lot of times the (church) and casting out demons! Demons were everywhere ...back then... so how much more do you think they are around today? Crazy thought huh? Not really. I think maybe we've kinda tricked ourselves in believing that demons don't really exist anymore, because.. well we don't want them to do we? lol... but it doesn't change the TRUTH that demonic influence is so much more evident in the world today. During the times we are living in, throughout the world, in politics deciding what we are willing to embrace, in our churches deciding what we are willing to compromise and embrace, demons are after our children tormenting them, they are after our families and friends working hard to destroy them with addictions, depression, fear.... I believe it confirms that time is drawing near and Satan and his demons are working overtime to deceive as many as possible... and it is working.  There is no longer a fear of the Lord among "Christians" and because of that, people are being led astray by the Enemy in droves. Deception is a scary thing, it knocks out all common sense and leaves you standing there defending your foolishness with a fiery passion. There is no hope in changing a fool's mind UNLESS they turn to Jesus.
    The Lord is my LIGHT in a very dark, very deceived, very dangerous world..BUT I am NOT afraid! Greater is He that is in me, than he that is the world! Stay strong sweet friends and DO NOT FEAR!

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...