Have you made mistakes? Have you lived with regret? Do your choices haunt you?.....
Have you hurt people?... People that you care about?....People who love you? Have you pushed people away, built a wall around your heart because YOU don't want to be hurt anymore?....
Do you hate? Your life....other people... yourself? Do you live inside a pit of darkness and you can't find your way out? Are you tormented by terrible thoughts of how worthless you are? … Can you sleep sound at night or are you tortured by unseen things pressing down into your spirit?... Are you depressed?.....
Do you feel alone? Do you sit and wonder how anyone could .... love you? Who ARE you?
All of your disgusting habits, your rotten attitudes about life...people...yourself...

All the ways you've tried to hurt the people around you...
All your failures.
Every mistake you have ever made.
Every single REGRET you have caused yourself throughout your entire life...
Every BAD THING you have EVER DONE......
Jesus took that.
All your STUFF, on THAT day....
Before YOU even existed.
He knew exactly how TERRIBLE you would be... and He took it anyway.
He was BEATEN for every single thing YOU have ever done.
Every time flesh was RIPPED from His back, YOUR SELF WORTH was being paid for...
Because He already LOVED YOU.
He took a BRUTAL beating for EVERYTHING you've EVER done wrong...
For all the terrible things you were capable of... BECAUSE HE KNEW...
that all of your mistakes... all of your bad choices...all of your regrets...
These things did NOT define your WORTH.
He DIED for YOU...
Because to Him, YOU are worth everything...
Because He has a PLAN for YOUR life...
Because He has so much to give YOU...…...
He saw you as His beautiful CREATION... a vessel to be FILLED.....
with JOY not sorrow...
with LOVE not hate...
with PEACE not despair...
with VICTORIES not defeats...
with HOPE and a FUTURE...
He saw your worth before you ever thought about Him. He Loves you so much that He gave EVERYTHING He had... in order to SAVE YOU.
He knew you might reject Him.
He knew you might hate Him.
He knew you might never even care about what He did for you that day...
He still loved you more than ANYONE ELSE ever could. And He GAVE His life on that cross for YOU anyway.
You see, on THAT DAY, He didn't just bring you love....
He CRUSHED EVERYTHING in your life that is out to destroy you....
He conquered Sin and Death. Satan, the Enemy of your soul, who loves all of your mistakes and failures, who throws in your face all your regrets, who does his best to DESTROY your life and tells you over and over how worthless you are, who torments you day and night, who covers you in darkness and despair...
Jesus CRUSHED HIM and EVERYTHING that is trying to drag you to Hell.
Jesus has the VICTORY and He CHOOSES YOU.
All you have to do is understand... that no, you don't deserve the love of God... but you ALREADY HAVE IT.
He's LOVED YOU since the beginning of time. YOU have to accept His love and forgiveness that He offers to you FREELY... Because He already paid the price for it. All He wants in return...
If for YOU.... to LOVE HIM BACK. …… Will You?
*There's no "special prayer". Jesus is already with you now, just talk to Him, ask for His forgiveness for all the bad you've done. Thank Him for loving you enough to die for you. And ask Him to help you as you go forward as a Child of God.. this day... CLEAN and NEW and FULL OF HOPE!
*feel free to message me with any ?'s you might have on this new journey or if you need any help getting a Bible (very important so that you can learn about God and get to know Him better) or any advice on where to go from here...(finding a GOOD church home that preaches Truth and can help disciple you in your faith is also very important to help encourage you on this journey). I am so happy for you and I don't know who you are... but I am praying for YOU! Go... walk in freedom and discover just HOW MUCH YOU ARE LOVED sweet friend! God Bless You and Welcome to the FAMILY of GOD!!!! -darby
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