What a crazy time we are living in right now huh? One for the History books for sure! Of course, we've had a lot of those "History book moments" over the last few years haven't we? Honestly, as a Believer, I'm not in shock that we've had a lot of noteworthy, surprising twists and turns in our world are you? I mean, if we've read the Bible at all we shouldn't be surprised at the events going on around us. God told us many things were going to happen, we just are unaware at the rate of speed at which they will happen....But.... things are speeding up aren't they? Sometimes I am amazed at how quickly things have evolved over the last 10 years, 3 years, this year. I'm sure you've noticed it too.
We don't know the hour or day that Jesus will come back to get us, and we don't have to know, we just have to be ready! But God didn't tell us the things to watch out for in the world around us, the signs that time is nearing, for us just to ignore them did He? No. He wants us to be diligent and pay attention. Why? So many reasons...
1. They are reminders for us that He IS coming back to take His People Home. Time to get serious about our relationship with Him. We MUST choose this day who we will serve. We must take what He did for us seriously and we need to walk away from the bondage of sin in our lives. Too many people who "claim" to be "Christians" are merely playing a role and not wholly surrendered to Jesus who died for them. This IS a big deal sweet friends. In order to really ACCEPT what Jesus did for us on the cross and accept eternity with Him, we must fully ACCEPT everything that He is. We can't pick and choose to be obedient "somewhat" or decide we only want to believe that God loves us and it doesn't matter to Him how we live... In order to really ACCEPT Jesus as your Lord, you must KNOW HIM AND OBEY HIS WORD. It IS that simple. It's NOT easy, but it is that simple. If we don't think it matters how we live our lives in disobedience to God just because we believe that He died on the cross for us... then we don't know our Bible, we don't know His heart, we don't know Him. There is FORGIVENESS and REDEMPTION for the Child of God... but we MUST walk in His GRACE....daily. (look up scriptures on salvation, grace, living for God...)
2. The signs around us are also a reminder that people need Jesus. People we love, people we know, people we cross paths with... who have no hope, who don't know peace, who are afraid. We have OPPORTUNITY right now, before it's too late, to share the TRUTH of Jesus with people. The thing about signs and wonders, and even the destruction of things as the world spirals down into darkness, is that these things tend to expose the real FEAR that people with no hope have. The panic over... climate change, the unpredictability of strange weather patterns, strange animal behavior, things unearthed that have no reasonable explanation. All things talked about in the Bible... but they don't know these things. These things are very real but Children of God are able to REST in the fact that God is in control of a dying Earth, the Earth WILL pass away. God is in control of things that we don't understand and we can have peace in the midst of a falling world. But to those who do not know HIM... they cannot control what they do not understand and it is terrifying as they try to save themselves, the people they love, the planet.... and THEY can't. But we can offer HOPE and PURPOSE and LIFE.... in Jesus. We need to see these days we are living in, no matter how short or long they are.... as OPPORTUNITIES to LOVE our neighbor and speak TRUTH and HOPE and LIFE to them.
3. Now here's where we talk about Politics. The signs of the times are a reminder that there is an ENEMY at work in our world. This is talked about SO MANY TIMES in the Bible. Satan and his demons are EVERYWHERE and we are FOOLISH to dismiss this. We as Children of God do not need to live in FEAR of these demonic entities (unless we are living in disobedience to God, then... we are giving them leverage in our lives!) but we need to recognize that they are constantly WORKING a Plan... to steal, kill, and destroy. ALWAYS. We must be wise sweet friends, this is no little thing. We are in a battle between good and evil, between light and darkness, and whether we like it or not.... POLITICS IS IMPORTANT for the BELIEVER. Nations rise and fall based on politics. SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. It's no different now. We cannot shy away from politics. We must SEEK GOD in HIS WILL for the land. It does not mean that we will always see what God desires for us working out in the world we live in, if that were the case, then there wouldn't be an end times... God wouldn't get to the place where He is DONE watching and comes back for us. right? But it doesn't change the fact that God EXPECTS His Children to STAND FIRM for TRUTH and for what is RIGHT. ALWAYS. There will ALWAYS be CONFLICT. When God tells us "If MY people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from Heaven, and heal their land"... We are and WILL CONTINUE TO BE in a constant battle of turning from wicked ways so that God can heal our land. The world will always push for wicked ways.. no brainer. But WE are seeing those wicked ways creeping into our Churches and being used to PUSH Wickedness forward. We must FIGHT against that and we can do that by shining a light in politics. Getting involved with our voices in pushing back against what the Enemy is using among the "Christian" community. He's crafty, he's smart, and he's been deceiving people for AGES. This is a game, and Satan is really good at it. We must be wiser and smarter... and BOLDER. Unfortunately, a lot of Christians, do not want to have anything to do with politics, they have opinions of course, but would rather remain quiet and not cause conflict of any kind.... this is NOT God's heart. We are to try to live peaceably with everyone however until we are all in Heaven... this will not happen. God's peace exposes the darkness. God's peace busts up the work of the Enemy and brings freedom. There is a BIG difference between being a PEACEMAKER and KEEPING PEOPLE HAPPY. God calls us to be peacemakers in this world... and a lot of times... it's ugly, and full of opposition because the Enemy... does not want God's peace brought into any situation. So do not fear sweet friends, you do not have to run for an office, but you need to be bold in standing for truth and speaking up so that others can hear where YOU CHILD OF GOD, stand and why. You might just make a big difference!
We cannot forget that God calls for UNITY within the BODY OF CHRIST. The REAL Body of Christ.... not people who simply claim to be but those who are HIS. We should be on the same page, of one mind... one body moving the exact same direction. It's scary to hear "children of God" on two opposite sides of the fence on topics, both thinking it's God's will. It's not. God has never been, is not now, nor ever will be... divided. WE are allowing the division. The author of confusion... is Satan, not God. We are divided on issues because we are not all IN JESUS. PERIOD. This is a crucial part of being a Child of God sweet friends. We MUST KNOW HIM WELL and BE IN TUNE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Who will unify us as the Body so that we can move forward together accomplishing GOD's purposes here on Earth.
Personal story: So I did NOT like Donald Trump at all when I found out he was running for President. I couldn't really stand him and I was really frustrated that he was running. There were a couple candidates that I sort of liked, but I didn't feel a peace about anyone really. Time was getting closer to election and some of the candidates had dropped out and I just couldn't decide who to vote for so I prayed (should've done that WAY sooner...just saying) and I asked God who He wanted me to vote for and it was an instant answer : Donald Trump. And I was like WHAT????? "Donald Trump" and I know the voice of God, I was a little confused because it was unexpected but I said... "ok". Because I KNOW the Voice of God in my life. So I started actually listening to Trump.. and even though yes his style is different... his words resonated and in my spirit I began to understand why God was going to use this man. IN MY SPIRIT.... see the HOLY SPIRIT works like that...FOR ALL OF US. .. IF we let Him. The amazing thing is that ever since that day, for the last 4 years, I have heard other Believers testifying to listening to the Holy Spirit over the President. I have heard AMAZING things about what took place in Israel during the election of our President (pretty amazing and prophetic...) I've heard about things that I HAD NO IDEA were happening with other Believers over this entire election process but you know what???? It WAS THE EXACT SAME SPIRIT WORKING THE EXACT SAME THING IN ALL OF US AND WE WERE'NT EVEN AWARE OF EACH OTHER!!! THAT is the BODY of CHRIST! AMAZING!!!! His ways are not our ways and we need to remember this. He is God and we are not. He will NEVER stray away from His Word but we need to know His voice. He tells us that over and over in His Word and it's so important for times such as these. We don't have to understand what He is doing, we don't even have to like it... BUT... what is the cost for us to IGNORE His Voice? God taught me a huge lesson through the last election. I've watched God use this man to tear down demonic strongholds in our country and if you cannot see the spiritual warfare that is taking place right in front of our faces pretty much on a daily basis then.... you're missing the spiritual stuff friends. There is a HUGE battle going on in the spiritual realm over our country and it's time we WAKE UP.
We are in a trying time right now in our country with viruses and quarantines. It can be hard for a Child of God to KNOW what the right thing to do is. So many people right now Christian and Secular alike are fighting over opening up or shutting down. Vaccines no vaccines, ect. So what do we do? What is right? I want you to be encouraged sweet friends.... WE know the ONE who knows. Right? There is so much FEAR gripping the hearts of the people all over the globe, and it is scary times we are living in but Oh Child of God... He holds us in His hands. All we need to do is SEEK HIM. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide YOU. If we can place our trust in HIM and SEEK Him for direction... we will be okay. No matter what happens in this world... He's got us. But it IS so important that we seek Him BECAUSE there ARE things that WE are UNAWARE of... remember that WE HAVE AN ENEMY... that does not sit dormant and who is tirelessly working against us... The ENEMY'S plan is at work as well.
Here's what I think: God did not create this virus. (He is capable of plagues right? but He did not create this. This is NOT His work.) So this virus was manmade. Now God can and DOES work things out for good for those that love Him (awesome!) but this TERRIBLE thing did not come from God. Who is behind it? Regardless of what "man" created it... I believe as always, the Enemy is behind awful things to whatever purpose. I believe that there is immense wisdom in keeping people safe from this awful thing. I am thankful for the quarantine time that we have already had. I believe that it has been good to provide safety and get a handle on this pandemic. I also believe that we have seen how God can take something bad and work it for good. What a blessing it has been for so many families to have this time. What a blessing it's been for a lot of us to take a look at our lives and reevaluate what's important. I believe it's been a great way for God to work in churches... building up those who seek Him and tearing down those who don't. God can work all things for good! I also believe that the Enemy is at work as well. Not every home is happy. Not everyone is safe. There is fear and depression. A lot of very bad things are happening and being released as well during this time. I believe as Children of God, we must SEEK GOD and listen to the HOLY SPIRIT for direction. ONLY God knows and sees the whole picture. The ENEMY is not being idle right now... sometimes in neutralizing, it provides the best TIME to move forward with a plan with no resistance. right? We must be diligent in seeking God's plan over our own ideas of what might be best and safest. We must be of ONE MIND. ONE BODY OF CHRIST. I do not know what the best plan of action is but I do know WHO does. So I will commit to seeking HIS will daily and doing my best to follow the Holy Spirit's lead in what to speak and what to support and what not to. There are A LOT of loud voices in this world today... I think ours should be louder. Not out of hate or anger... but full of TRUTH. We must FIGHT sweet friends. The Enemy is after your family, your friends, your neighbors... Fight Child of God. Rise up and FIGHT! The battle belongs to the Lord! We are His!
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Quick Devotional Thoughts: Psalm 27:1
I think it's probably safe to say that at some point in the last few months, we have all experienced a little fear in the days we are facing right now.. some maybe a lot of fear. I have watched the world around me and noticed all different levels of fear that are very present in the midst of the unknown. BUT... I have also witnessed incredible bravery and courage and hope in the midst of all this darkness. Amazing. As a Believer I am so thankful that I have a HOPE and a SECURITY that no matter what happens in this world or to me... God is in charge and I get to REST in that fact that I am NOT in control. Sometimes we like to fight for control don't we? I've been there. But really, isn't it amazing that WE don't HAVE to be in control of this and we don't have to fix it... we just have to do OUR part and Trust God. I love that! I pray for those in our government that have to make the decisions of what is best for our country... I would not want their jobs! I pray that they are seeking God in their decisions and that God would give them peace and us peace as we move forward into the unknown. My heart breaks as I see those who do not trust in Jesus, I see the panic and fear and anger and my heart hurts for them. It must be so terrifying to live in such fear. This verse is a beautiful reminder for times like these.
It's also a good reminder in the day and age we are living in as well. Ya know, it's so interesting reading throughout many MANY places in the Bible, about how rampant demons were among the people. It's crazy to me how many times it talks about Jesus going into a city or a lot of times the (church) and casting out demons! Demons were everywhere ...back then... so how much more do you think they are around today? Crazy thought huh? Not really. I think maybe we've kinda tricked ourselves in believing that demons don't really exist anymore, because.. well we don't want them to do we? lol... but it doesn't change the TRUTH that demonic influence is so much more evident in the world today. During the times we are living in, throughout the world, in politics deciding what we are willing to embrace, in our churches deciding what we are willing to compromise and embrace, demons are after our children tormenting them, they are after our families and friends working hard to destroy them with addictions, depression, fear.... I believe it confirms that time is drawing near and Satan and his demons are working overtime to deceive as many as possible... and it is working. There is no longer a fear of the Lord among "Christians" and because of that, people are being led astray by the Enemy in droves. Deception is a scary thing, it knocks out all common sense and leaves you standing there defending your foolishness with a fiery passion. There is no hope in changing a fool's mind UNLESS they turn to Jesus.
The Lord is my LIGHT in a very dark, very deceived, very dangerous world..BUT I am NOT afraid! Greater is He that is in me, than he that is the world! Stay strong sweet friends and DO NOT FEAR!
Saturday, April 11, 2020
A Message for Someone Who has no HOPE...
Who are you?
Have you made mistakes? Have you lived with regret? Do your choices haunt you?.....
Have you hurt people?... People that you care about?....People who love you? Have you pushed people away, built a wall around your heart because YOU don't want to be hurt anymore?....
Do you hate? Your life....other people... yourself? Do you live inside a pit of darkness and you can't find your way out? Are you tormented by terrible thoughts of how worthless you are? … Can you sleep sound at night or are you tortured by unseen things pressing down into your spirit?... Are you depressed?.....
Do you feel alone? Do you sit and wonder how anyone could .... love you? Who ARE you?
All of your disgusting habits, your rotten attitudes about life...people...yourself...
All the hate you have stored up inside...
All the ways you've tried to hurt the people around you...
All your failures.
Every mistake you have ever made.
Every single REGRET you have caused yourself throughout your entire life...
Every BAD THING you have EVER DONE......
Jesus took that.
All your STUFF, on THAT day....
Before YOU even existed.
He knew exactly how TERRIBLE you would be... and He took it anyway.
He was BEATEN for every single thing YOU have ever done.
Every time flesh was RIPPED from His back, YOUR SELF WORTH was being paid for...
Because He already LOVED YOU.
He took a BRUTAL beating for EVERYTHING you've EVER done wrong...
For all the terrible things you were capable of... BECAUSE HE KNEW...
that all of your mistakes... all of your bad choices...all of your regrets...
These things did NOT define your WORTH.
He DIED for YOU...
Because to Him, YOU are worth everything...
Because He has a PLAN for YOUR life...
Because He has so much to give YOU...…...
He saw you as His beautiful CREATION... a vessel to be FILLED.....
with JOY not sorrow...
with LOVE not hate...
with PEACE not despair...
with VICTORIES not defeats...
with HOPE and a FUTURE...
He saw your worth before you ever thought about Him. He Loves you so much that He gave EVERYTHING He had... in order to SAVE YOU.
He knew you might reject Him.
He knew you might hate Him.
He knew you might never even care about what He did for you that day...
He still loved you more than ANYONE ELSE ever could. And He GAVE His life on that cross for YOU anyway.
You see, on THAT DAY, He didn't just bring you love....
He CRUSHED EVERYTHING in your life that is out to destroy you....
He conquered Sin and Death. Satan, the Enemy of your soul, who loves all of your mistakes and failures, who throws in your face all your regrets, who does his best to DESTROY your life and tells you over and over how worthless you are, who torments you day and night, who covers you in darkness and despair...
Jesus CRUSHED HIM and EVERYTHING that is trying to drag you to Hell.
Jesus has the VICTORY and He CHOOSES YOU.
All you have to do is understand... that no, you don't deserve the love of God... but you ALREADY HAVE IT.
He's LOVED YOU since the beginning of time. YOU have to accept His love and forgiveness that He offers to you FREELY... Because He already paid the price for it. All He wants in return...
If for YOU.... to LOVE HIM BACK. …… Will You?
*There's no "special prayer". Jesus is already with you now, just talk to Him, ask for His forgiveness for all the bad you've done. Thank Him for loving you enough to die for you. And ask Him to help you as you go forward as a Child of God.. this day... CLEAN and NEW and FULL OF HOPE!
*feel free to message me with any ?'s you might have on this new journey or if you need any help getting a Bible (very important so that you can learn about God and get to know Him better) or any advice on where to go from here...(finding a GOOD church home that preaches Truth and can help disciple you in your faith is also very important to help encourage you on this journey). I am so happy for you and I don't know who you are... but I am praying for YOU! Go... walk in freedom and discover just HOW MUCH YOU ARE LOVED sweet friend! God Bless You and Welcome to the FAMILY of GOD!!!! -darby
Have you made mistakes? Have you lived with regret? Do your choices haunt you?.....
Have you hurt people?... People that you care about?....People who love you? Have you pushed people away, built a wall around your heart because YOU don't want to be hurt anymore?....
Do you hate? Your life....other people... yourself? Do you live inside a pit of darkness and you can't find your way out? Are you tormented by terrible thoughts of how worthless you are? … Can you sleep sound at night or are you tortured by unseen things pressing down into your spirit?... Are you depressed?.....
Do you feel alone? Do you sit and wonder how anyone could .... love you? Who ARE you?
All of your disgusting habits, your rotten attitudes about life...people...yourself...

All the ways you've tried to hurt the people around you...
All your failures.
Every mistake you have ever made.
Every single REGRET you have caused yourself throughout your entire life...
Every BAD THING you have EVER DONE......
Jesus took that.
All your STUFF, on THAT day....
Before YOU even existed.
He knew exactly how TERRIBLE you would be... and He took it anyway.
He was BEATEN for every single thing YOU have ever done.
Every time flesh was RIPPED from His back, YOUR SELF WORTH was being paid for...
Because He already LOVED YOU.
He took a BRUTAL beating for EVERYTHING you've EVER done wrong...
For all the terrible things you were capable of... BECAUSE HE KNEW...
that all of your mistakes... all of your bad choices...all of your regrets...
These things did NOT define your WORTH.
He DIED for YOU...
Because to Him, YOU are worth everything...
Because He has a PLAN for YOUR life...
Because He has so much to give YOU...…...
He saw you as His beautiful CREATION... a vessel to be FILLED.....
with JOY not sorrow...
with LOVE not hate...
with PEACE not despair...
with VICTORIES not defeats...
with HOPE and a FUTURE...
He saw your worth before you ever thought about Him. He Loves you so much that He gave EVERYTHING He had... in order to SAVE YOU.
He knew you might reject Him.
He knew you might hate Him.
He knew you might never even care about what He did for you that day...
He still loved you more than ANYONE ELSE ever could. And He GAVE His life on that cross for YOU anyway.
You see, on THAT DAY, He didn't just bring you love....
He CRUSHED EVERYTHING in your life that is out to destroy you....
He conquered Sin and Death. Satan, the Enemy of your soul, who loves all of your mistakes and failures, who throws in your face all your regrets, who does his best to DESTROY your life and tells you over and over how worthless you are, who torments you day and night, who covers you in darkness and despair...
Jesus CRUSHED HIM and EVERYTHING that is trying to drag you to Hell.
Jesus has the VICTORY and He CHOOSES YOU.
All you have to do is understand... that no, you don't deserve the love of God... but you ALREADY HAVE IT.
He's LOVED YOU since the beginning of time. YOU have to accept His love and forgiveness that He offers to you FREELY... Because He already paid the price for it. All He wants in return...
If for YOU.... to LOVE HIM BACK. …… Will You?
*There's no "special prayer". Jesus is already with you now, just talk to Him, ask for His forgiveness for all the bad you've done. Thank Him for loving you enough to die for you. And ask Him to help you as you go forward as a Child of God.. this day... CLEAN and NEW and FULL OF HOPE!
*feel free to message me with any ?'s you might have on this new journey or if you need any help getting a Bible (very important so that you can learn about God and get to know Him better) or any advice on where to go from here...(finding a GOOD church home that preaches Truth and can help disciple you in your faith is also very important to help encourage you on this journey). I am so happy for you and I don't know who you are... but I am praying for YOU! Go... walk in freedom and discover just HOW MUCH YOU ARE LOVED sweet friend! God Bless You and Welcome to the FAMILY of GOD!!!! -darby
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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...
You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, ...
Sweet friends whether you've given your heart to Jesus recently or you gave it to Him many years ago, I'm sure you've realized ...