Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quick Devotional Thoughts: Philippians 2:13

    This is what GRACE is! The empowerment to overcome sin. Not cover it up or have it pardoned (mercy) but to OVERCOME it. I LOVE this about God. He didn't just look at us with love and show us mercy in our human state when He died on the cross for us. It didn't stop there... instead He gave us one of the most wonderful gifts He could give us... a way to be holy. a way to please Him with our lives. a way to actually become His righteousness. a way to no longer be slaves to sin but to righteousness. Grace. All the good things about God... we now have access to because of this beautiful gift. 
    The desire to do what pleases Him, only comes from really knowing His heart. We should always be growing deeper in our relationship with Him so that we are constantly being transformed into His masterpiece. (Grace allows us to do this!) His strength is made PERFECT in our weakness (Grace!) By crying out for Him in times of struggle and temptation, He gives us everything we need to walk away in freedom. His GRACE is sufficient for me! One of my favorite things about God.... His beautiful wonderful gift of grace... I pray that I can continually grow in grace and become everything He is calling me to be! 

*2 Corinthians 12:8-10

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