Saturday, March 7, 2020

Quick Devotional Thoughts: Acts 8:26-39

   What a beautiful morning of both conviction and encouragement as I had my coffee with Jesus...
    I'm reading in Acts and this particular passage about Philip and the Ethiopian just struck a cord in my spirit and the tears started flowing as I thought about both the simplicity and awesomeness of God!
#1 God LOVED the man sitting in his chariot trying to understand the Gospel
#2 God sent Philip to the man
#3 The man was reading exactly what he needed. Philip only needed to explain it to him.
#4 These men didn't know each other.
    I think sometimes we get confused about what it means to share the Gospel. We've somehow managed to make it super complicated by developing our "12 step How to make a friend THEN tell them about Jesus Programs". I'm not saying that it's wrong to build relationships with people before we start preaching fire and brimstone BUT... Jesus didn't do that, the Disciples didn't do that, the Prophets didn't do that... and I'm having a hard time finding this 'Friendship Evangelism' model anywhere in my Bible, so I'm kinda thinking that we've been making it up because well... we think it's easier?
     What I do see in the Bible and from the examples in Scripture is that the Truth is... People need Jesus. Some people simply don't want Him and they will continue to reject Him no matter how much we "hang out" with them. Yes, people may "hang around us" and be intrigued by how we live but honestly, unless they know WHY we are the way we are... then they are just noticing us and nothing more. We also must SPEAK while we live! (that is Biblical by the way!)
     This small passage is a beautiful and accurate picture of God's love for us and of how He knows exactly where we are and what we need when we need it. I LOVE that!
     The conviction came when I thought about the fact that I don't always look at the people around me. Sometimes I get tunnel vision, so focused on what I'm doing or need to do that I don't always see who God might be putting in front of me. My husband and I always laugh because it seems like any time either of us go to a grocery store, convenient store, Walmart... strangers come up to us and LITERALLY start talking about what they are going through! We don't even have to start the conversation. Strangers! I'm not kidding, we always joke that we must have some invisible flashing sign above our heads that certain people can see that says "FREE COUNSELING".... but you know what it really is?
People NEED Jesus.
      I am honestly humbled by this every time it happens because it tells me that God is using me and that people can sense Him in our presence. How humbling and awesome is that!
But... how many opportunities have I missed because I wait for someone in need of Jesus to get MY attention? Who am I walking by that desperately needs to know there is a God who loves them today?
      I repented this morning. I asked God to help me see people... right where they're at and give them Jesus right in THAT place of their need. The Ethiopian was in the place that he needed to understand Jesus right there. It's THAT SIMPLE. People don't need Jesus 2 years from now after I've gotten to know them really well... they need Him in whatever place they are at right now.
     We can't allow ourselves to be comfortable with a "Plan of how to tell people about Jesus", we just need to tell people about Jesus sweet friends! We don't have to scream in a strangers face or be unkind. But people need Jesus in every area of their lives, so there's really never not an opportunity to bring Jesus in the mix! God gave us common sense for a reason and the Holy Spirit as our guide. Trust Him. Pray. Let Him lead.
Don't be intimidated by all the "How To's" that we have come up with in sharing the Gospel.
                                                           This is HOW TO …..
                                                1. Love Jesus with ALL your heart
                                                2. Spend time in His Word. Our Experiences are not enough. We must KNOW Who He Is and what He says. We must KNOW HIS TRUTH.
                                                3. Share #1 & #2 with people.
                                          Isn't God Amazing? Oh how He loves us all.

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