Friday, March 27, 2020

Joy Nugget: Simplicity of Heart

      I absolutely love this verse! What a perfect picture and example wrapped up in these 2 tiny verses. Every time I come across this verse it always causes me to pause and think..."gladness and simplicity of heart... wow, is that me? Is my heart glad? Is my heart simple?" And it never fails, my answer is usually "there's so much going on"  stress, deadlines, activities, a huge to do list that's not getting done... and I feel almost jealous of those in this verse!

     BUT.... it's my own fault isn't it? How easy it is for us to be busy, with stuff, with worry, with life but... that's not how it should be. There is great conviction in these verses. What would it look like to a lost world if they saw us glad and not worried? What a welcoming atmosphere that would create especially in these times we are living in? 

    We desperately need God's peace in our world today. We need His peace in our hearts. Sometimes we just need to get back to the basics don't we? Being a "minimalist" has become a popular trend lately and neither my husband or I are minimalists by any means, we have tried hard the last couple years to simplify our lives and get rid of things we don't need and not go overboard buying more things we don't need.  And it's been a blessing to get rid of those things …. but "simplicity of heart"? 
     It just sounds lovely doesn't it? The beauty of having a light heart and enjoying God and people. One area that I have not mastered as well as I want to is obeying God in the "do not worry" rule. Man, that's hard isn't it? I do trust my God 100% but still... I find myself worrying at times and though I am human, I will continue to strive and let the Holy Spirit teach me how to not worry. And I am excited for that day to come! Sometimes we can get busy with all the "spiritual" stuff that we can end up missing the whole point of our relationship with Jesus... which can be found in the basics of our belief and within the pages of His Word. Sometimes Christian activities can become the focus of our lives instead of just spending time at His feet, getting to know Him better. Sometimes... the depth comes in the simplicity. These are things I'm learning as I continue on my journey...

     In the meantime, this verse will be on my mind as I work on being glad and having simplicity of heart. Stripping away all the "extras" and focusing on my relationship with Jesus and the things He wants me to learn and do. Being simply His.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quick Devotional Thoughts: Philippians 2:13

    This is what GRACE is! The empowerment to overcome sin. Not cover it up or have it pardoned (mercy) but to OVERCOME it. I LOVE this about God. He didn't just look at us with love and show us mercy in our human state when He died on the cross for us. It didn't stop there... instead He gave us one of the most wonderful gifts He could give us... a way to be holy. a way to please Him with our lives. a way to actually become His righteousness. a way to no longer be slaves to sin but to righteousness. Grace. All the good things about God... we now have access to because of this beautiful gift. 
    The desire to do what pleases Him, only comes from really knowing His heart. We should always be growing deeper in our relationship with Him so that we are constantly being transformed into His masterpiece. (Grace allows us to do this!) His strength is made PERFECT in our weakness (Grace!) By crying out for Him in times of struggle and temptation, He gives us everything we need to walk away in freedom. His GRACE is sufficient for me! One of my favorite things about God.... His beautiful wonderful gift of grace... I pray that I can continually grow in grace and become everything He is calling me to be! 

*2 Corinthians 12:8-10

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Follow Me Tinman!

                               "You just need to follow your heart and you'll do the right thing"....

      Isn't it amazing how one of the biggest beliefs in this world, is the complete opposite of what God's Truth is?... Not really (sigh) but it is proof of how hard the Enemy of our souls has worked to get us to believe the exact opposite of what God tells us:

Even as Believers, His Children, we have also bought into this lie too many times: "Follow Your Heart"... "Do what you FEEL is right"... and the newest popular saying today: "Speak YOUR Truth"
Nope. Sorry, none of these statements... are Biblical!
We NEED to stop believing them.

Why is it such a big deal to not believe these sayings? Because, these beliefs will lead us down a path that is very different from the one that God has for us. Do you hear me? THIS is NOT God's path for your life! This should scare us honestly.

I mean, ... what a selfish state of mind we really have in living out these sayings. When we as God's Children, hold these 3 sayings next to His Word, it reveals the heart of the creator of these thoughts... it's not God, but it is the polar opposite. That's how Satan has always done it, he twists what God designs and tries to get us to do the exact opposite of what God tells us doesn't he?
We forget about our enemy. He exists. Since the beginning, he has been mastering his skills of deception and guess what?... he's really good at it by now.
We are foolish when we don't get to know who God is or what His Word says, then we start believing any cute "good" sounding thing as "truth". … and Satan is laughing at us.

More importantly, God is hurting as He watches us be so deceived all while believing and high fiving each other in our "Christianity" as we skip down a path that God did not create for us.

I know this post already is sounding a little harsh but we must pay attention to what we are allowing ourselves to believe sweet friends! It's so easy for each of us to get sidetracked and caught up in ourselves that we sometimes forget that... it's not about us. WE don't know what's BEST for us.

Just because we "give Him glory" for certain things in our lives... it doesn't mean we actually are glorifying him. He's not going to take the credit for something Satan is doing for us just because we "think" it's God doing it.
These misconceptions... um, lies, are so very dangerous for us BECAUSE they take us away from the TRUTH that God is God, and we are His Creation. HE directs our steps. Not us. We follow His heart, not our own. Feelings are not Truth. His ways are higher than our ways, we don't know on our own what is best. And again, here's the biggest kicker to our egos: Our lives do not revolve around us. We were created by Him and for Him. Frankly, it doesn't matter what we think we want, what matters is we live out the plan and purpose He created us for. 

We love to read this verse as if God gives us whatever WE want but stop... think about it.... If WE are SEEKING Him in all things... HE will GIVE us the DESIRES … of our hearts. (read it again),,, 
He will GIVE us: 
His plan for our lives...
The next step we take...
The things in our lives that will glorify Him and fulfill His purpose for us... 
The things which will bring us joy... that HE created for us.

Not give us the things that we want but we will begin to want what HE WANTS.
And the things He wants for us sweet friends, are going to be so much better than anything you or I have planned! 

It's also really easy to focus on what He has given us already and sometimes we even stop seeking Him in those things. Like our talents. I have learned such a huge lesson in this area of my life. I have learned that sometimes we become the sole driver behind our talents and often assume that just because we are talented and we use those talents that we are glorifying God. But this isn't exactly true.
Now God does tell us that we need to be using what we have and not simply ignoring what He has given us but also that we need to be using them according to His will. Take a look at this verse found in Hosea 13:2

"Now they sin more and more, And have made for themselves molded images, Idols of their silver, according to their skill; All of it is the work of craftsmen..."

Very TALENTED craftsmen.... made idols.

But how does this apply to a Child of God? Well, what happens when we start using our talents in ways that go against God's Word? Is simply the fact that we believe in Jesus enough for God to give us a pass to participate in things that displease Him simply because we are His Children? Are the "things of this world" no longer "things of this world" if His Children are participating?

It's thought provoking isn't it?

This was a hard and painful lesson for me to learn because... it's fun to be talented. There is frankly a LOT of opportunity in this world for talented people. And there are tons of opportunities within the Church for talented people. But if God is not the driving force behind our talent... then how can we be sure we are pleasing Him with it? God wants us before He ever wants our talents. I love this! We are so important to Him way before all the things we can do.
But just as our hearts can be deceiving, so can our ambition with our talents. We have to be so careful sweet friends, that we don't become so focused on where our talents can take us, that we miss out on the very plan and purpose that God has for the talents He gave us. Face it, there are a MILLION different directions our talents can take us, but only ONE direction is meant for us.
We live in a world where everyone wants to be a star... but God has a much better and far more rewarding life for us IF we always make sure that it is HE who is opening those doors of opportunity for us to walk through and not our Enemy holding those doors open. Kind of a scary thought isn't it? But so very true. Satan knows all our gifts and talents. He knows our hopes and dreams. And.. He knows how to hold the "thing we've always wanted" out in front of us. Satan can make opportunities happen for us too. If we are not careful and wise, we most definitely can be deceived all while still believing that God is pleased with our lives! 

We must KNOW the AUTHOR of our talents sweet friends! We must let Him guide us in our talents and in our dreams. We can use our talents for anything, we can go many places, but not everything may be beneficial to our relationship with our Creator. We must remember that God will NEVER ask us to do ANYTHING that steps outside of HIS WORD. PERIOD. God will NEVER contradict His Word or His Character and THAT is WHY we MUST KNOW Him and His Word!

I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit who leads and guides me on this journey. I love that the Peace of God is what tells me whether I should go this way or that way. There is NO substitute for the Peace that ONLY comes from God in our lives. it doesn't matter how we may "feel"... our feelings don't define the Peace of God, it is something completely different and can only come from our Creator. Ask Him for His Peace as you do His will with what He's given you... and He will! His Peace is like the bumpers in a bowling alley, it keeps us on the straight path. If you don't have Peace when a door of opportunity is opened to you, even if it's "something you've always wanted"... don't do it. God has something better, something you were created to do waiting. Trust Him sweet friends, He cares more about you than anyone else ever will. And the most important thing that we can do as His Children... is learn to Love the Giver more than the gifts.

Because Truth: If we use our gifts apart from the Giver, and we follow our hearts apart from the One who designed them... what good are they anyway?

Know Him. Love Him. Follow Him.      

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Quick Devotional Thoughts: Acts 8:26-39

   What a beautiful morning of both conviction and encouragement as I had my coffee with Jesus...
    I'm reading in Acts and this particular passage about Philip and the Ethiopian just struck a cord in my spirit and the tears started flowing as I thought about both the simplicity and awesomeness of God!
#1 God LOVED the man sitting in his chariot trying to understand the Gospel
#2 God sent Philip to the man
#3 The man was reading exactly what he needed. Philip only needed to explain it to him.
#4 These men didn't know each other.
    I think sometimes we get confused about what it means to share the Gospel. We've somehow managed to make it super complicated by developing our "12 step How to make a friend THEN tell them about Jesus Programs". I'm not saying that it's wrong to build relationships with people before we start preaching fire and brimstone BUT... Jesus didn't do that, the Disciples didn't do that, the Prophets didn't do that... and I'm having a hard time finding this 'Friendship Evangelism' model anywhere in my Bible, so I'm kinda thinking that we've been making it up because well... we think it's easier?
     What I do see in the Bible and from the examples in Scripture is that the Truth is... People need Jesus. Some people simply don't want Him and they will continue to reject Him no matter how much we "hang out" with them. Yes, people may "hang around us" and be intrigued by how we live but honestly, unless they know WHY we are the way we are... then they are just noticing us and nothing more. We also must SPEAK while we live! (that is Biblical by the way!)
     This small passage is a beautiful and accurate picture of God's love for us and of how He knows exactly where we are and what we need when we need it. I LOVE that!
     The conviction came when I thought about the fact that I don't always look at the people around me. Sometimes I get tunnel vision, so focused on what I'm doing or need to do that I don't always see who God might be putting in front of me. My husband and I always laugh because it seems like any time either of us go to a grocery store, convenient store, Walmart... strangers come up to us and LITERALLY start talking about what they are going through! We don't even have to start the conversation. Strangers! I'm not kidding, we always joke that we must have some invisible flashing sign above our heads that certain people can see that says "FREE COUNSELING".... but you know what it really is?
People NEED Jesus.
      I am honestly humbled by this every time it happens because it tells me that God is using me and that people can sense Him in our presence. How humbling and awesome is that!
But... how many opportunities have I missed because I wait for someone in need of Jesus to get MY attention? Who am I walking by that desperately needs to know there is a God who loves them today?
      I repented this morning. I asked God to help me see people... right where they're at and give them Jesus right in THAT place of their need. The Ethiopian was in the place that he needed to understand Jesus right there. It's THAT SIMPLE. People don't need Jesus 2 years from now after I've gotten to know them really well... they need Him in whatever place they are at right now.
     We can't allow ourselves to be comfortable with a "Plan of how to tell people about Jesus", we just need to tell people about Jesus sweet friends! We don't have to scream in a strangers face or be unkind. But people need Jesus in every area of their lives, so there's really never not an opportunity to bring Jesus in the mix! God gave us common sense for a reason and the Holy Spirit as our guide. Trust Him. Pray. Let Him lead.
Don't be intimidated by all the "How To's" that we have come up with in sharing the Gospel.
                                                           This is HOW TO …..
                                                1. Love Jesus with ALL your heart
                                                2. Spend time in His Word. Our Experiences are not enough. We must KNOW Who He Is and what He says. We must KNOW HIS TRUTH.
                                                3. Share #1 & #2 with people.
                                          Isn't God Amazing? Oh how He loves us all.

Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...