Friday, April 12, 2019

Living the LIfe: Spirit vs. Flesh

   "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."
Matthew 26:41

So here's the deal, looking around lately it seems that people who claim to "love" God, "know" Him, and are "living" for Him... are walking around not as a "new creation" but as people who are still bound by sin. Why is that? Well.... here's what I've learned about living in God's Grace so far...

          1. The more your love for God grows, the more aware you are of the things that grieve His heart. The closer you are with the Holy spirit working in your life, the more alert you are to the conviction when you begin to step in the wrong direction. The more you learn to love God, the more you have the DESIRE to turn around and not continue the behavior.      

          2. The more you get to know God and His heart for His creation... the more you understand WHY sin is bad, not just because God says "no" but because it actually hurts us.

          3. The more you learn about who God is, and the more you fall in love with your Creator, the more you realize that God has the Desire and Ability to set you free from any sin...Instantly!

     We live in a world that heavily pushes the "accept who you are" mantra BUT this is not the mindset of a Child of God. Instead of "accepting" who we are, we need to "desire" to be who God is calling us to be. Becoming this is not easy, it requires "fleshly" sacrifice. Walking in righteousness is impossible without a heart surrendered to God but with God, all things are possible. Living in God's Grace requires a commitment from us to daily seek Him and obey His instructions for our lives.

      Unfortunately, a common mentality is growing in our "Christian Community" today, being preached in our churches and accepted by the world...  is the notion that "No One is Perfect"  which is absolute truth! No one is, and we won't be until we reach eternity. HOWEVER...this small statement, although bearing truth, has become our biggest excuse... to not have to try. This is also not reflective of God's heart or desire for His Children.

     The truth about being a product of grace is that I've learned it takes a desire to love God more everyday and to please Him with my life everyday. My heart's desire is not to find out what He can do for me, but rather what I can do for Him. It's also learning how to be sincere in EVERY area of my life before God. It means making my spirit stronger than my flesh. It requires sacrifice and hard work daily to strive for righteousness. It requires quick repentance if I should stumble and a solid persistence to change those things that break God's heart.  It's not easy sweet friends, but let's all strive to have a heart that seeks to please God daily, not because we "have to" but solely because "we love Him".

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...