Wednesday, March 30, 2022

"Playing Disciple"?


John 8:31-32 says "If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Simple Truth: we CAN'T know the Truth....without knowing the Word.

  It really is that simple isn't it sweet friends? Sometimes we over complicate it and sometimes we don't think about it enough. But the reality is... how do we expect to know and understand who God is and what He expects of us, if we are not willing to pick up our Bible's and read it?  

  Today everyone has an opinion about everything don't they? And have you noticed how many people are sharing what God thinks about all these topics? Have you noticed that God's opinion varies depending on who is sharing it? Does that bother you? It bothers me sweet friends! It bothers me because God's opinion does NOT vary depending on who's speaking; He does NOT show favoritism, something is not "okay for me to do" but "not you"... God expects the same for His Children, the rules don't change depending on the kid. Sure, we're in different places on this journey but sin is never okay, no matter who you are.

   The point is... we either REALLY belong to Jesus or we just think we do. And those 2 facts are as far apart as they can be. There is no "in between" with Jesus. God is very clear with us, He's not playing. The ENTIRE BIBLE is about ONE THING: our relationship with Him. Whether we really know Him or not. Whether we really love Him or not. Period. Everything else we try to make the Bible about,(witnessing, works, blessings, ect.) is just part of being a Child of God. God's main concern for us, is whether we REALLY accept who He is or not. And IF we do.... our lives will reflect that decision.

    There is too much confusion in our Churches today. There are too many "Christians" walking around still bound by sin, depressed, angry, living out the things that God tells His Children not to do, speaking the name of Jesus, but have never allowed Him to transform their hearts, set them free, and make them a new creation... which is what a "Christian" really is.

    Collectively as the Church today, we have strayed so far away from the heart of God and what He has called us to be... His. Today, the "Church" is not the same as the Body of Christ. Today, "Christian" is not the same as Child of God. Some have walked away, some have been led away, some just close their eyes and stay away. But the Truth is: He didn't leave. He hasn't changed. We have.


We must get back to understanding who He is and what it means to actually belong to Him. In Matthew 7:21-23 it says "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"

   This isn't an unbeliever He's talking about... unbelievers don't do anything in God's name yes? This is someone who BELIEVES in Jesus... but never really accepted everything that means and surrendered to Him. 

    We love to use the beautiful picture of the thief on the cross who repented and believed in Jesus in his final hours and because of God's amazing grace, that man was washed clean and was able to enter Heaven. And all that is 100% true and amazing. The grace of God is what transforms us and makes us clean and worthy of eternity with Jesus! may have been a very different story and outcome if the thief had gotten down off that cross and lived the rest of his life... right? He only had to live for Jesus for like 6 hours.

    I don't say this to take away from the TRUTH of the power of God's grace. That's why we have a hope always, that no matter what we've done, all it takes is one moment of repentance and surrender and God is ready to wash us clean and make us righteous. What we don't have is the guarantee of the last minute opportunity to get right with Jesus before we die. And that is the point isn't it?

    Are we serious about wanting to belong to Jesus or not? It's not about rules and regulations, it really is
about our relationship with Him. We don't sin, not because we are worried about the consequences (although we should remember that there ARE consequences for our sin) but we choose not to sin because we don't want to break His heart. We want to please Him. We want to show Him how much we appreciate everything He has done for us. We want to love Him back with everything we have because it's all we can do.

    Anyone can call themselves a "christian", a "child of God", a "believer in Jesus", and can go to "church"... but the only thing that matters in the end, when we stand face to face with Jesus... is whether or not we actually are...His.

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

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