Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Throwback Post April 2015: Finding Kindness

          Where has kindness gone? Our society seems to rapidly be spinning itself out of control. We are losing a hostile battle of hatred, division, narcissism, and evil. People have turned on each other, "Christians" have turned on each other. Children are being taught that it's okay to treat others with hatred. Yes, part of it is the times we are living in. God told us it would be this way. But it makes me wonder... is He pleased with how we as His children are reacting in this day and age? 
      Are WE showing kindness the way that we should? What does kindness look like to God? What does He expect of us? This question has been rolling around in my thoughts lately as I watch the world around me. Everywhere I go, I'm not seeing people loving each other, helping each other, caring for each other, encouraging each other along in our journey with Christ; I see jealousy, and insecurity, takers and cheaters, people faking their love for God and for others. People out to get what's theirs regardless of who gets trampled on in the process. Where is kindness?
       Of course not everyone is lacking in kindness, I personally know several people who I see kindness spilling out of their life, but still...can we become better at it? Can we start thinking of others better than ourselves? Can we start looking out for the needs of others before we make sure we have everything that we want? Can we start caring enough about other people that we become kind enough to tell them the Truth about God? 
      There's a great song that I know and there's a line in it that states: "It's Your kindness Lord, that leads us to repentance..." what a statement. I believe this is true. I believe that not only did Jesus give us the ultimate act of kindness by dying on the cross for our sins, but also that He lived a life of kindness. Everywhere He went, He showed kindness. It doesn't mean that He never said anything that didn't offend anyone, no frankly He offended people all the time, sometimes the Truth is offensive because it interferes with our sin, but He knew the punishment for our sin was Hell and He was and is kind enough to point us to the Truth.  
      My thoughts are how can I be more kind in this world? If it's God's kindness that leads to repentance...I am a follower of Jesus, that means that I represent Him in everything I do. How can I show His kindness to others so that they can come to know Him better? If I truly want to please God, then I must continue on a journey of kindness to those I come in contact with daily. My prayer is that God will continue to show me how to be kind to those around me. To be aware of those around me whom He is needing me to be His arms extended. I am excited to look for more opportunities to show kindness to the ones I hold dear and to the ones whom I may only meet for a second. Let me be Your vessel through me. Teach me how to be kind.

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...