Saturday, June 22, 2019

Throwback Post March 2016: Sometimes Life is just Sweet!

          So I had a great reminder of the sweetness of life today. My husband and I have been crazy busy the last several months with alot of ... let's just call it "life stuff". Every day has seemed to just swish by us so fast and we never seem to have enough time to finish all the things we've needed to get done.       Don't get me wrong, we've marked alot of things off of our to do lists: we've emptied two whole storage units (how did we get so much stuff!), we've fixed up the inside of the house we are living in (no little task), and we have slowly but steadily been working our way towards becoming debt free.
     We try to be as frugal as we can with our money. This has not always been the case but Praise God that we can live and learn how to become better stewards of our finances and resources. Lately, my husband has put in long hours and hard physical labor (he is a very hard worker and I love that about my husband!) and sometimes I wish he had more spending money to enjoy from the fruit of his labor, but for a long time now, we have been socking everything we can into becoming debt free and of course just paying normal bills. But he doesn't complain, he just gets up and works hard to provide.      Tonight when my husband came home...he hands me a couple very nice presents. Shocked and confused I accepted these gifts wondering why he would spend what very little he had on me and wondering how he paid for the rest. Came to find out that he still had gift cards left over from Christmas and he wanted to bless me with something nice. I love my husband. What a selfless act of love he displayed towards me.
      I began to look around at all our blessings, and I saw how my husband was a direct reflection of how God loves us. And I thank God for the wonderful blessing He has given me in a Godly husband. (There is much more to this blessing and maybe some day I'll have to share our story) For the rest of this evening, I started reflecting on some of the ways God has shown us His love, which has left me feeling pretty grateful tonight.
       One thing that I have learned and am still constantly amazed by is... God loves to love us. HE takes great pleasure in loving us. Sometimes I think we miss that concept about God. He constantly is dropping things in our path during our day just to let us know He is near and that He loves us. We just miss them sometimes. Okay, probably a lot of the time.  I know that when I make myself aware of God during my day (usually by just keeping Him in the center of my thoughts), I usually find myself completely overwhelmed by how personal He is and the tears usually well up out of pure joy.

     How great it is to be loved by my God. It's in moments like these, that I can't imagine my life apart from Him. Part of my journey with the Lord, is that I have determined in my heart that I want to "fall in love" with Jesus more every day. And in doing this, it has kept my heart centered where it needs to be and I have discovered so much about my God: Who He is, What He wants from me. What His plan is for my life. What He thinks about me. And I'm discovering how much He loves me.

      It was more than enough that Jesus died on the cross for me. He doesn't owe me anything. BUT I find it so incredibly humbling to know that even though He already gave me everything He had to give: His life, He STIll chooses to love me more. How can we resist a love like that?  No matter the struggles we may face in this life.... with a Savior like that... life is pretty sweet! ;)

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

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