Sunday, April 15, 2018

Simply Destined to Be....

       Hey there sweet friends, ever find yourself sitting and wondering just what exactly that "plan and purpose" that God has for your life is and whether or not you are "in it" yet or not? Yeah... me too. Often actually. Sometimes I take a look at my life and I could totally be doing so much more with my life right now, I have this talent and that gifting, ect. So why am I sitting here not doing those things? Is that really what God wants from me or am I just totally missing it?

      I have found over many years, including this one... that these are normal and good questions to ask ourselves, Only IF we are looking to God for the answers. What I have learned over the years is that God's PLAN for our lives is a whole lot simpler than we make it out to be. His plan consists of ONE thing really...How we Love HIM. Plain and Simple. The truth is that God does give us gifts and talents and opportunities in life but none of that matters if those gifts, talents, and opportunities are not serving Him.
      This concept is so incredibly simple, mainly because God practically spells it out for us over and over again in His Word, but it continues to amaze me how many Christians don't get it. So many Christians are out chasing "their dreams" and thanking God for opening doors for them that frankly...He would never open. WHAAAAAT????? Yeah, I said it, and with all confidence, Because... God does not now or ever, call us to do something that goes against what He calls us to do and be in His Word. EVER.
     God does not call you to order to reach the sinner.     

       The thing we seem to miss most of the time is that the BIGGEST part of God's plan for our that we really KNOW Him. This isn't a "over the years" process but a daily one. That's His plan for our lives, that we follow Him daily as He guides our steps, as we take hold of His hand and we don't let go for the rest of our lives. So many times, we discover a gifting that God has given us and then we just run with it, allowing everyone else around us to determine what our next steps are instead of seeking the One who gifted us in the first place. One of the hardest lessons that I have learned has been that: yes I'm talented and I can do a whole lot of things. I can fill a need in the church I'm attending because I have the skill set to do that, yes I can be a part of this ministry or that ministry because I know how to do those things required and I am gifted in those areas. Yes I can do this or that with my life because I could be really good at it and succesful. BUT... just because I can, doesn't mean I should. Just because I'm gifted in a particular area, does not mean I should be involved in that ministry. Just because I am capable to fill a need... does not mean that it is my job to fill that need.

        We have to stop playing God with our lives and instead live in submission to His Will and His Plan for our lives. The biggest lesson in this for me has been... God doesn't always call us to do things, but He always calls us to Be His Completely. I have had so many tear filled conversations with God over being frustrated and torn in ministry. Frustrated because I know I could be used in ministry in so many ways, and torn because I understand the damage of a double standard and the downfall of linking arms with people in ministry that do not take their relationship with God or their witness seriously. Even through the tears and the frustration of choosing to distance myself from dangerous people in ministry at the cost of not being a part of a church family... God has unmistakenly reminded me, that it is so much more important for me to be faithful to Him than faithful to my giftings.

       The more I love God...the less I like "church". And you know what?....... that's okay. We are living in the end times, in moral decline, it's a mess and unfortunately, churches all over are becoming more and more like the world. It's in the Bible so it's really no suprise. It's still hard to not belong to a "church family" but I belong to the real "Body of Christ" and that is a beautiful thing. And... I have a hope and an excitement to see the real church rise up...that's in the Bible too and I believe it's coming soon!

       We must be careful friends, how we live out our lives. Not every opportunity is meant for you. Not every door that opens to your dream, has Jesus on the other side of the door holding it open. Satan knows your dreams too, he also knows what you're good at. The difference is knowing if it's God calling the shots in your life, or Satan. THIS IS WHY we have to "get it" folks... if our goal in life is to live daily to please God and know Him well, then it's going to be impossible to get off track isn't it? God knew what He was doing when He laid out His plan for our lives... "seek ME and find ME...for I KNOW the plans I have for YOU." Right??? Only He knows what we were created to do and when we are supposed to do it. Don't get caught up in the doing sweet friends...get consumed with the Being... Be His good and faithful servant. Be His Child. Plain and Simple.

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Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...