Friday, June 2, 2017

Summer Goals: My Pinterest Challenge #1

Okay so I've decided I need some motivation in the "get stuff done and be more creative" parts of my brain. In order to do this I have decided to do something totally fun and inspiring.

      I am a little bit of a Pinterest junkie and of course I have pinned TONS of amazing things, like ya do, to my "someday i really think i'm going to do this stuff" boards...right? But when I peruse all the amazing stuff on my boards, i realize that those are only dreams and i have done very few things from my Pinterest page.

       SO..... that's about to change! I am challenging myself to a weekly Pinterest Challenge where i do ATLEAST ONE thing off of my Pinterest Page. :) It can be anything, from nifty household tricks, designs, gardening, food, craft projects....of course they probably won't be an exact replica cuz i like to be different BUT it will most definitely be Pinterest Inspired!

I'm excited because I think this will be super fun and oh the feeling of accomplishment i will get...I LOVE that feeling!  And feel free my fellow PINTERESTERS>>>>> to join in the challenge! you are more than welcome to let me know how you are doing if you choose to participate and feel free to post your own pinterest projects in the comments! I'd love to see what you are accomplishing too! :)

So for WEEK #1 : Behold my boring bread box...transformed into country cuteness! Totally keeping this baby. Super fun! well one down....500 thousand (a little exaggeration) more to go! wish me luck!!

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