Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I am a Product of Grace

                                    God's grace. I asked Jesus into my heart at the very early age of 3 years old. I remember it like it was yesterday. I KNEW that He loved me, I understood He died for me, and I completely got it that He created me for a purpose. I have grown closer to Him ever since. Sure I've had ups and downs and times when I may have wandered a bit but I have always kept Him close. 
      I love Him...with all of my heart. He is my center. And I am continuing to learn what it is that pleases Him. My biggest fear in not reaching my full potential of who God created me to be. I am a woman who is learning that in order to become what God is calling me to be...It's only by His grace. 
     Now I believe that grace has been so often confused with mercy..His mercy is what went to the cross, His mercy is what gives us a chance to ask for forgiveness if we sin, His grace is what He gives us when we accept Him into our lives to equip us to become more like Him. It's what He gives us to empower us to resist sin and become holy, spotless, and blameless before Him.
     I have realized how casually we have thrown that term of "God's grace" out there to basically make ourselves feel better about not being perfect, but the funny thing is...that's all us. God tells us to aim for perfection(2 Cor.13:11). To be spotless and blameless.(2 Peter 3:14) That IF we should sin (not WHEN)....He desires us to be holy as He is holy. He created us for so much more than what we choose to "settle" for.      I have decided that I am "all in". That isn't a light statement, it will take major sacrifice especially in this world. But I'm willing to take the plunge...and I invite you to take it with me. This blog will be some of the things that God grows me in and reveals to me that I want to share with all of you in hopes that it will encourage you to press on in your faith and to dig deeper in your relationship with God. He loves us so much. I want to live my life to please Him.        

** There are several more verses for each of those points (you should never base a belief only on one's easy to twist one but nearly impossible to twist several) but I encourage you...dig in the Word and pull all those scriptures out. There's plenty of them. :)

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