Saturday, January 15, 2022

Goals or Glory?


        January 2022 wow it's here! Like most people, I myself like to reflect on the past year, what I did right, what I messed up, how I've grown, and looking to the future full of all the things I want to accomplish. Both of those things can be incredibly overwhelming can't they? The older we get, it seems like time just flies by us doesn't it? Ya know what I've learned through the years... I have exactly 24 hours in every single day and I am 100% in control of how I spend them. Ouch right? That realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I might let my world control me... but I'm the one letting it. No excuses anymore. It's been harsh and I admit, I've felt overwhelmed quite often with how busy my life gets and how many things on my ever growing to do list are not getting done! Nonetheless, the Truth is still the Truth isn't it?

 I am responsible for my days...all of them. 

      My heart has been changed by this revelation and it is still a daily process of reminding myself of this, but I am slowly choosing better things, more important things, intentional things during my day. I'm prioritizing what makes my life meaningful. Choosing what kind of life I lead. Focusing on what legacy will be left behind when I'm gone. Trying to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Working on loving my husband, my family, my friends, my neighbors well. 

The reality for me, it all starts and ends with this verse: 

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

If you asked me whether or not I had a life verse, this would be it. How amazing is it really that God has a specific plan and purpose, a path specifically designed for each one of us. What an incredibly personal God we serve! Sometimes we forget that God loves each one of us individually, and we tend to throw ourselves into one overall group of "God's Children"... but oh sweet friend, we are more than just another number to God... yes we are part of one Body of Christ, but we are individually loved and counted! Don't forget that! This verse, along with many others, makes me feel so loved by my Creator!

      So one thing I've learned when it comes to making goals... I start by seeking the One who has the plan. The One who knows exactly what He created me to be and do with my life. He knows what is beneficial to me and what is harmful. And... I trust Him... even when the answer is "No". Because He created me and because He loves me, and because He has a plan and a purpose specifically for me. Why would I ever want to mess that up!?! 

     In this discovery process throughout my life, I've learned that my ways are not always His ways and I'm continuing to learn how to surrender my will for His, and how to do it with a grateful heart because I know it's what's best for me. No it is NOT easy, we are selfish and we have to fight with our flesh, with our minds, with our limited knowledge of the bigger picture.... but, with the help of the Holy Spirit and a willing heart to surrender our lives and all our desires to the One who loves us more than anything... it gets easier day by day. 

     Sweet friends, I pray for you, that you will seek your Creator with your whole heart. I pray that you are willing to lay down your own desires and dreams of success for His. Your greatest achievement in this life.... will be to love Him well.

"Well done, Good and Faithful Servant." -God

That is the goal sweet friends. To bring Him glory with everyday of our lives. Let's do this!

Friday, January 14, 2022

"Finding Christmas"


         So my husband and I did something fun this year.... we took a "Christmas Roadtrip". We decided we were tired of the hustle and bustle surrounding the season. We were tired of everything moving so fast that we were "missing" the entire season of Christmas. As we've gotten older, things seem to be over before they even start! Anybody else? So this year, we took a week off, rented a car and headed out to simply enjoy all things Christmas. We also didn't tell anyone where we were going, made it fun for our family and friends to follow along and guess where we were... plus that helped me to remember to take lots of pictures (because I am really bad about remembering to do that!) It was really fun finding things to post but not give it away too easily. Our family and friends had a lot of fun watching the journey. 

Now of course, Jesus is the real reason for the season and He was very present on our trip! We felt Him in our conversations, He guided and protected us on several occasions, we experienced His favor and blessings as we traveled along. He gave us a great time of resting, peace, and joy.

We live in Nebraska, and our weather has been unusually warm and snowless... so we decided to head

up through Colorado, figured we'd find snow at some point! And we did!! Of course, not until we headed up the mountains!! But it was beautiful....and very "Christmassy". Breckenridge and all those little towns surrounding sure know how to do Christmas! 

 We spent our honeymoon 14 years ago up by Breckenridge so it was definitely fun to head up that way and reminisce a little. I also used to spend lots of time on the slopes of Copper Mountain and Winter Park with my youth group... lots of fun memories brought to mind as we traveled in ski country. Our ride "Rudolf" was full of Christmas lights and music. Rudolf got more decorated as we went along. We're old....but Christmas brings out the kid in you I guess lol. 

As we traveled along, we stopped to grab a coffee or a cocoa (calories were not counted on this trip!😉) And I did really behave when we stopped in at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.... my husband, not so much lol. We pulled off in Colorado Springs because the windstorm came through with 100mph winds... no thank you, so we decided to hang around and do some shopping in Colorado Springs and Manitou Springs. We even stopped by the Focus on the Family Headquarters and shopped in the Bookstore... super fun! If you haven't visited there yet, definitely stop by and check it out next time you're in Colorado Springs, the Bookstore staff are pretty awesome as well. 


So seriously one of my favorite things we did on this trip, we  brought along a little Christmas Tree. So we put some lights on it and the goal was by the end of the trip to fill it with ornaments to help us remember our trip. Fun right? So yes I would drag that tree in every hotel room light it up and hang whatever ornaments we had on it every night, Shawn even beat me to it a few nights! Now we have a new tradition that will happen on every Christmas Roadtrip we take and our house will become full of little trees with the ornaments from each roadtrip hanging for us to remember. 

It also worked out that about every night in the Hotels, there were Christmas concert specials on tv, which I love so that was super fun to snuggle on the couch and watch fun Christmas concerts. I would have LOVED to go to a symphony while on the trip however, since we went during the week, there weren't any. But... maybe next time! 

If you ever decide to take a Christmas trip up to the mountain towns of Colorado, there are some awesome things to do!! We unfortunately opted out of some of them because we had both just gotten over a horrible flu bug and I still had a bit of a cold and honestly, I don't do well with altitude lol.... so we decided I probably didn't 
want pneumonia. BUT.... there are some AWESOME Christmas activities to definitely try out if you go! In Breckenridge, Sleigh rides through the mountain viewing thousands of lights!!! yes please! The

Cave of the Winds in Colorado Springs, has a light show and music. Georgetown, the little tiny mountain town has a full blown Christmas Market on the weekends of course we missed it but it looked like SO MUCH FUN! And... a Christmas Train Ride through the mountain. Plus tons of other activities so... bundle up (trust me, it's freezing) and have some unique holiday fun! 

We stopped in Georgetown... what a quaint little historic town. Super fun to just drive around and look at all the old buildings. They have an adorable little Main Street full of shops and friendly people. 
This trip was so relaxing and enjoyable. We found the simple things like Christmas lights and decorated trees brought joy and reminded us that people still celebrate the good things. We needed that. We needed to take time to slow down and look around. It was fun just taking our time strolling through the streets entering shops that were full of Christmas cheer. It was fun not being in a rush and talking with shop owners and townsfolk and travelers just like us. We shouldn't have to get away in order to do that, and yet we get into a rushed routine at home don't we? This was a pleasant, enjoyable, relaxed, joyful and much needed trip.                                                                                 When all was said and done.... we came back home, refreshed, relaxed, and definitely felt that we had in fact... found Christmas. Our little finished Road Trip Christmas Tree sat on display in our living room. Friends and family had fun looking at it when they came over and the common statement was "Oooh is this the roadtrip tree?" lol. I'm looking forward to pulling it out next year and remembering... and I'm very much looking forward to buying a new one... 😉 stay tuned! See ya next Christmas! 

Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...