Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Quick Devotional Thought: James 1:27

"unspotted from the world" Wow, that's a powerful statement isn't it? I stopped and thought about this verse for a bit, ya know, back in Bible times... people still struggled with all the SAME SINS that we struggle with today. We might have more variations, but the same sins have been around since the beginning of time, there's really nothing new. But back then, or really, even say 20 years ago things weren't as "in your face" or "everywhere you look" as they are now.     Our world is very much "consumed" with sin so to speak. I asked God, "Is it even possible for us to be unspotted by this world today?" honestly, deep down I think I was somewhat hoping for a pass of some sort, but there it was, loud and clear, a voice I have come to know well, He said. "Yes, it is."
I felt a deep conviction in my heart and yes, I knew that "of course it is". We can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives us strength right? But it is such a humbling thought realizing that I need to do better in not being "spotted" by this world I live in.
I love how the Holy Spirit works, my husband stopped by the house later in the day for a little break and we were talking and HE brought up how he was feeling convicted that we need to tighten up our boundaries in our home again because of what he had been noticing in his own life and sensing in the Spirit. Isn't that awesome?
       The TRUTH is sweet friends, it is NOT easy being "unspotted" by this world, but.... it IS what God calls us to do. He wants a bride who is wearing white, not spotted and blemished. Righteousness is NOT easy, frankly, it's what a "living sacrifice" actually looks like. We SACRIFICE a lot. but we do it for such a great purpose... to be holy and pleasing to God. The benefits far outweigh whatever earthly things we might miss out on.
      So here's the hardest simple goal I've ever made lol: I must DO BETTER. I already know as I press on towards this goal.. there will be things I will need to give up, there will be opportunities I will willingly need to pass by, there will be heart and attitude adjustments that I will need to make... all in order to live my life according to God's will. And even though I know it will hurt, not all things, but some... I am willing to lay it down at His feet, because I choose to love Him MORE than anything that could tarnish my soul. He is worth it! I love you sweet friends, I hope you will join me in this journey of loving Jesus more.

Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...