Thursday, March 28, 2019

Quick Devotional Thoughts: Deuteronomy 31:8

      This is definitely one of my favorite verses! What a beautiful picture of what it looks like to trust Jesus with our lives. God is Faithful. I can wholly and completely put my trust in Him no matter how bad things may be because I know if I just hold on to His hand and not let go...then I am completely safe in His will.
     New levels in my walk with God can be scary to enter into but also can be so exciting knowing that He loves me enough to care and bring me deeper in my relationship with Him.

       Putting Him first in every area guarantees I'll stay on track of where He wants me. Making Him the very CENTER of my life because He knows what's best for me and what He has in store for me to do. I will always be in HIS WILL for my life IF I continue to seek Him FIRST in everything big and small.

      IF... we whole heartedly, follow Jesus with our lives and seek out HIS PLAN for our lives... then NOTHING can stand in our way. Trials will come BUT they won't destroy us. People will try to stand in our way BUT they will move. The Enemy will try his best to stop us BUT we will prevail … All Because of Jesus. Don't do life on your own sweet friends, let Jesus lead you every step of the way.


1. Do I really believe that God has a specific purpose and plan for my life? Why or Why Not?
2. Am I willing to place my complete trust in Him and His plan for my life... no matter the obstacles I might face and sacrifices He might ask me to make?
3. What areas of my life do I need to give completely over to Him that I have held back?
4. What is God asking me to sacrifice right now in order to be obedient to Him?
5. What is the best thing about knowing that God has a purpose for me?

Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...