Tis the season of chocolates and flowers, of mushy cards and stuffed animals, of fancy date nights with candle light dinners...
And I've been home sick all week with all things not yummy while sporting my zombie look.
This has not been fun and yet I have been so blessed.

And despite our plans to "go out for a fancy dinner on Valentine's Day", he walks in today with steaks that He bought because He knows that neither of us are probably going to want to go out this week. Good call.
It's been nice this week, although feeling completely miserable, just being together with my husband and taking care of each other. Watching movies together, even though the funny movies would cause us to laugh which was painful and funny since neither of us have had voices much of this week, and laughing would lead to coughing so i'm sure we were quite a sad but funny sight to see. (thankfully no one could ;) )

And my Dad, who stopped by and dropped off oranges and chicken noodle soup just because He knew I was sick. It's that kind of stuff that makes a girl feel loved by her family. The little things, oranges and chicken noodle soup. I could see the look in my dad's face as he was looking at this pitiful sad zombie knowing that there wasn't anything that he could do to make me feel better and I could tell as his little girl, that he very much wanted to make me better. And he did. Oranges and Chicken noodle soup. What a blessing to have parents that love me so much!

So even though it's the month of mushy cards and romantic sentiments...I am basking in the simple fact that I am LOVED. I encourage you sweet friends to not ever take for granted the people in your life that God has placed there just for you. It is no mistake, the people who step into our lives, maybe for a moment, maybe for a lifetime...love them. Sacrifice for them. Take care of them. Be there for them. Without love we are nothing, we have nothing. Love them Well.
.....now, this zombie, is taking some more cold medicine and going to bed!