Saturday, March 19, 2016

It was a Pedicure, IPSY Bag Kind of Day!

These are not my feet ;)

So this week has been rather...overwhelming, confusing, trying, stressful kind of week. You know how sometimes in life we have those days where we feel like if we touch it, it will break? I have definitely had a few days like that lately, it seems like no matter what we do, life throws us a curve ball and it just makes ya tired.  
          Now, I know full well that life is hard. We live in a world with problems. With bills we have to pay, and decisions we have to make, and people we have to deal with, and personal struggles we have to face and it is hard. Weeks like this make me long for Heaven all the more! Weeks like this also push me into harder conversations with my God. I have asked God alot of questions this week about what we (my husband and I ) are supposed to do in a few situations, what I need to be doing in a couple situations, why I am struggling in a certain area...and He and I are working on these things together. 
         It's really easy in times of trial or run away from God. To try to hide our decisions and imperfections from him, just like Adam and Eve were DUMB and hid from Him, we do the same DUMB thing. BUT...I determined in my heart a long time ago that instead of running from Him in times of trial or temptation, I MAKE myself run TO Him. And it really has changed my life and my relationship with Him. By intentionally running to Him in the middle of my issue, It keeps Him in the center of my problem, then my problem isn't a problem for very long! He gives me perspective and guidance through it. When I am tempted by something, I instantly start talking to God about it, how I'm feeling, the struggle, the questions and this helps me to not indulge the temptation and sin. He already knows everything so I might as well bring Him in the middle of it and be aware that He is right there with me in that temptation and because of His strength I can strive for holiness and overcome it!
       Living in this world can be hard. We see the chaos and pain all around us. We can see the hate and the evil that is destroying people all around us. We can see hopelessness and sorrow. And this can be very discouraging. Even though it is absolutely OKAY to be saddened by the emptiness of the world around us because, it is sad but...we still have a HOPE. God tells us to not grow weary in doing good. And THAT is the GOD that we serve... He is a God, that even though there may be darkness and sadness all around us, and things may be going on in our lives that are hard, He gives us HOPE.  
      We don't need to walk around defeated no matter what our circumstances are. I have had a very hard week, but as I have drawn in to my Lord and talked with Him about everything, I may still feel the weight of my issues, but I have JOY despite my issues. This kind of PEACE can ONLY come from God. This kind of HOPE can only come from God. And this kind of JOY is only found in Jesus. 

       I had felt overwhelmed this week by all the crazy, but today I went for a much needed pedicure with some ladies from our Women's Group, and as I was being totally pampered by the pedi people, I just closed my eyes and had a great conversation with my God and was completely overwhelmed by the freshness of the Holy Spirit. How He renews us and gives us life in the midst of this dark world. 
      I thank God that He loves us so much that we do not have to grow weary in doing good. That we can be the light that shines brightly in the darkness, leading others to a God who offers an everlasting HOPE. How amazing is that?

       And to top off my day, I get home and find a brand new IPSY bag in the mail full of goodies for me. So all in's been a GOOD DAY! :)


Sweet Spirit leading to "Surrender"...

        You know what I've learned throughout my entire journey with Jesus sweet friends? It's ALWAYS all about our surrender to Him...